Is this True and Correct?


Sep 13, 2012
G'Day Fella's

I received this from a mate of mine (See below).
He wondered if it was True and Correct, that the NRA would have been actively publicising these details, hence the question!


> 1. I think we might be on to the root of the problem....
> Why is it that those who steal guns, who then go and kill movie goers and
> children in school's have never been a conservative NRA member?
> Maj. Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood terrorist) - Registered Democrat - Muslim
> Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine) - Too young to vote; both families
> were registered Democrats and progressive liberals
> Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech) - Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his
> staff - Registered Democrat
> James Holmes (Colorado Theater Killer) - Registered Democrat; staff worker
> on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal
> Jared Lee Loughner (the guy who shot Gabby Gifford's) was a registered
> Democrat
> Adam Lanza (Connecticut School Shooter) - Registered Democrat; hated
> Christians
> Christopher Dorner (California killer) - Registered Democrat. "Manifesto"
> supports Gun Control, Anti NRA, Obama supporter
> Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal
> Democrats

> INTERESTING..., isn't it? Seems guns don't kill, Democrats do
Too bad the liberal news media won't publish this data.

The general concept is valid. However, in the interest of accuracy, it was my understanding that Seung-Hui Cho is a Korean national. Whilst his sympathies may tend toward liberal policies, he couldn't be a registered voter. Despite the question raised, I would agree that those in recent days who have been implicated in the shootings tend to be quite liberal in their views and sympathies.
It will snow in hell if I ever see this on MSNBC.
Then too, ever notice when we see protest or what not on the news that tend to go disruptive if not violent one way or another, come from the left demonstator's. They certainly don't practice what they preach regardless.
G'Day Fella's,

Thanks for the info on that!

O T 3, unfortunately, we only have Two main political parties (sound familiar!)!
Thats the Tweedle Dumb Party and Tweedler Dumber Party!!!

Double Doh!!
I spent some time in Oz back in the 1990's while working. We were looking for a manufacturing site there.