Issue that needs to be addressed.


Oct 31, 2004
Why is it that the winchester 325 AccuBond ammo has a BC of .477 and the regular 325 AccuBond has a BC of .379?

Is this some conspiracy with winchester to buy their ammo?

Why is the 200 grain 8mm Partition a lot higher than the AccuBond? It should be the other way around.

I feel these questions need to be addressed.
It was addressed, Nosler said in another post after further testing the BC's of the 8mm bullets were all lowered.
Then why don't they update the website. The 8mm 200 grain Partition still says .426.

Also, if they lowered all the 8mm, are they going to lower the rest of their bullets too?

It's inconceivable that just 8mm bullets are prone to this anomaly, having lower BC's than all other calibers with similar sectional densities - both smaller and larger.
As far as I am concerned people get too hung up on the concept of ballistic coefficient of bullets. Accuracy and bullet construction are usually more important than how "flat" a bullet flies, especially when talking about big game hunting.

Using the examples quoted a 200 grain bullet with a BC of .477 launched at 3100 fps will be ~20" low at 400 yards when zeroed at 200. Another 200 grain bullet, this one with a BC of .379, launched at the same velocity will be ~18" low at 400 yards when zeroed at 200. That 2" difference in drop @ 400 yards means nothing in most hunting situation.

Even a 200 gr 8mm Partition with it's "pathetic" BC of .274 only drops 23" @ 400 yards when zeroed at 200 yards and launched at 3100 fps. Even that 5" difference at 400 between the best and worse BC will not make any appreciable difference in the outcome of most shots taken under hunting situations.
Just a guess, but they probably came up with the first numbers via computer simulations. Then when they had time to actually shoot the bullets over distance and came up with actual numbers, they didn't match. And now they're waiting on some computer wonk to update the website. :grin:

8mm bullets are never a very high priority, with any bullet company.

No big deal, as the only thing that matters is how they shoot in your particular rifle.