Its not a nosler product but its the best $30 Ive ever spent


Dec 6, 2004
Not tryin to advertise for them but the hornady cam-lok bullet puller I ordered came today. Hornady's cam-lok bullet puller is the best at pulling bullets. $30 for the puller and a .30 collet. I pulled 60 +/- bullets in about 30 minutes. It would have taken hours to do that many with a hammer type puller. It doesnt damage bullets at all like the hammer type have been known to.

It pays for itself in the long run with the amount of powder you get back and with the bullets. I got back probably 1/8 to 1/4lb of powder back from all those cases. I threw the bullets in my case tumbler and cleaned them up for future loads.

Nosler bullets sure do clean up nice and shiney :grin:
I learned from Graybeard (Graybeard outdoors) that you can pull bullets one size up or down from your collet size. I bought mine with a .284 collet but can also pull .30 and 270 bullets. You sure are right, some of the best reloading money I ever spent. We should get this topic on the reloading forum.

Good grief! You mean I can finally pull all those bullets in those two full coffee cans of discarded loaded ammo I've got? I've been putting that job off for months! Now I don't have an excuse. Thanks for the info.
SB Smith
Forster also makes a collet type puller but it will not accept WSM or RUM cases, the Hornady will take them.Rick.
I haven't tried it yet but,.... I have read that you can place a foam ear plug into the hammer type bullets pullers to avoid bullet damage. Has anyone tried that yet?
A guy I work with jus got the Hornady cam lok. He pulled 100 7mm bullets and is convinced it is the greatest thing since the reloading press. No muss, no fuss and very fast.

I just got a Forster puller w/ 7mm and 338 collets.
Works great once you get the hang of it. It also works for the 338 RUM with no problems.


I use the RCBS collet system, it also works great in conjunction with your press, minimal bullet damage, quick easy.
NOSLER2":ixouy7f1 said:
I haven't tried it yet but,.... I have read that you can place a foam ear plug into the hammer type bullets pullers to avoid bullet damage. Has anyone tried that yet?

Yes I use an ear plug in mine. It has worked very well and has not damaged the tips on any bullets I have run through it so far.

I shoved it in point first and the wide end fully fills the tube to catch the bullet and powder. One plug will last for several hundered bullets since they will reform after being compressed.