Johnson's Paste Wax


Mar 14, 2014
I bought a large can of Johnson's when I was building flintlocks as there were several different uses for it. Such as lubricating wood screws, coating metal parts when fiberglassing, and metal protection.
Last January when I was preparing my BDL stock for glassing I coated the entire barrelled action for protection as I was handling it a great deal. Worked great so after I completed the stock work I coated the barrelled action with 2 coats to see how well it did protect it.
This is now the hot sweaty days of July and I can report it still works great. Whenever I shoot or clean the gun and get fingerprints all over it, all I need to do is rub it with a clean white cotton cloth and all the prints go away and it's protected again. With no oily mess.
It also acts a great release agent when glassing a stock.
My next big cleaning all my revolvers will be treated with Johnson's Paste Wax (not my autos) and all long guns, including stainless will also get the treatment.
Works real well and lasts a long time.
G'Day Fella's,

Darkhorse, thank you for this great tip!
I'll start rubbing some Johnson wax on all the barreled actions, prior to them going back into their stocks!

I'm going to have to stop by the auto parts store and pick some up. :)

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Yes, I coated my rifle before heading to Montana last time and it worked great.
I use it as well. Excellent stuff to protect metal as well as wood.

It's my favorite release agent too.
Just before final sight in I pulled the action on the Model 700 and applied another 2 layers of Johnsons wax. I have now gone through an entire year and one long deer season using nothing but the Johnsons Wax on that one blued rifle. No oil at all on the out side surfaces.
It still looks good as it did a year ago.
Waxing has been around along time. I've been waxing my oil finished stocks for 30 years. An old stock maker turned me on to it. It's just like Frank's Hot Sauce....... you put that$#@%&*!@$# on everything! It works best on blued metal, unfinished barrel channels and oil finished stocks.
