Lasik surgery


May 30, 2009
I know now my eyes are really finished.I still love shooting handguns and rifles with peep sights.I am think about getting Lasik surgery.Just wondering if anyone here has done it and seen a difference in shooting. I hate to give up shooting some of the old rifles and handguns I love,but glasses just aren't cutting it for me anymore.
There is no way in hell I am giving up shooting my Sharps and Hi walls.I guess I will let them do my right eye.
You should. My friend Frank had it done and he seeing 20/20 now. I'm planning to have mine done in not too distant future. I'll hang-on to my glasses as long as I can. Old age sucks!
Lasik is one of the best investments I have ever made!I am now 9.5 yrs post prasedure and only regret is not having it sooner.I am 34 now and still see 20/20.The doctor did say that I may need reading glasses around age 40 but that is considered normal.I highly recomend having it done.When I had mine done they could only fix near sighted or far sightedness not both.Technology may have improved since then,if not you will have to choose ,since I could see up close it was no problem what to choose.I hope you have it done,you wont regret it!Can't say it helped my shooting,did take away another excuse for misses.
I wanted Lasik but my eyesight problem was not correctible ...I don't remember if I was near sighted or far sighted. Anyway, I had 80-100 vision and after having the pure vision done I now have 20-25. I would have 20-20 but have a weak muscle in one eye from when I was a kid. If I had to do it over I wouldnt think about it twice. One of the best things I ever did...even if my insurance doesnt cover it. This is where they replace your eye lenses with ones that are like a target with rings. The rings alternate near, far, near, far and somehow your brain learns how to use them. Not like cataract lenses.

I had Lasik done 10 years ago just after it was allowed in the US. I healed up 20/25 and 20/15. My eye that was 25 is now pretty bad for distance vision but up close reading is perfect. My eye that was 15 is now 25 and things that are a ways off are not real sharp. I have what is called mono vision. I now have a pair a glasses that makes both eyes see very sharp at distance for hunting and shooting. I see open sights very well and when I use a scoped rifle the only thing I have noticed is I have to adjust the eye piece just a touch to sharpen everything up. I have to take these glasses off to read or see up close. I am thinking about having me a pair of bifocal glasses made up. I am now 51 1/2 years old. I could have my bad distance eye redone free but I would have to use reading glasses all the time. If the other eye gets to the required 20/40 I may have both eyes redone. If I had it to do all over again I would still do it. Not having to fool with contacts or glasses all the time is worth it. Just go to a reputable place like TLC to have it done. DO NOT GO TO THOSE CUT RATE PLACES. I have heard horror stories from my eye doc and a shooting friend that is an eye doc about people they have treated that went to those places. Infections and loss of sight are common.
I had lasik 9-10 years ago. Best money I ever spent. 20-20 in one eye, 20-15 in the other. My correction wasn't too severe (moderately myopic with an astigmatism) beforehand, but enough to require glasses.

The part about needing reading glasses once you hit 40 is true. :( As my doctor put it, "Lasik is no fountain of youth. You're still going to get old."

I'll second the notion that you should not look to bargain shop here. The guy who did mine was also head of opthamology at a local hospital. I was referred by several friends, and I've since referred several friends and family to him.

My son just had his done a year ago and he loves it! He did tell me there was way more time spent evaluating his eyes to see if he was a good candidate. They will no longer even touch a person with the wrong type of eye shape as the muscles will always be trying to pull the eye the wrong way! People that have been done with the wrong type of eyeball shape can end up really miserable. My eyes are the right shape, but I'm too old and they won't touch me! :cry: