Last hunt until fall.


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
The preserve season closed today. The girls had a busy year, brought 1500 or so birds to hand.
Molly is still fighting joint issues, early onset arthritis but no major vet bills. Sugar ran into a t post or some hidden wire, took a bunch of stitches, cost me 500.00 bucks. Otherwise had a great year.
The rooster, just off Molly's nose, eluded three guns and six or seven loads of #5. IMG_2096.JPG

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The pups will be looking for something to do throughout the summer. That is a great picture. Smart old bird! I'm sure Molly was thinking some pretty vile thoughts about those shooting over her. :mrgreen:
Nice picture Don. When are you headed north, we are heading back the end of the month. Have a full summer of activities planned. No hunting, hopefully some fishing and a few fire assignments this year.
Elkman":1mpt95rf said:
Nice picture Don. When are you headed north, we are heading back the end of the month. Have a full summer of activities planned. No hunting, hopefully some fishing and a few fire assignments this year.
Bill I head to Alaska June 1, our area opens June 8. I will be back about September 25. If you're over in the pendleton area let me know, we'll get together.

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DrMike":2r2ydm5o said:
The pups will be looking for something to do throughout the summer. That is a great picture. Smart old bird! I'm sure Molly was thinking some pretty vile thoughts about those shooting over her. :mrgreen:
Dr. Mike
Molly has two traits that are interesting. The first manifested about three years ago. The occasional Miss she understands. Three in a row she'll spin around and bark at the hunters. She really gets pissed off. She will quickly figure out who the best shot in the group is. Sometimes it's just happenstance because of where the bird was to begin with. In any event once she has decided she hunts in front of that particular hunter the rest of the day. I can make her quarter along the line but if her buddy is on one end or the other, left to her own devices, she won't get more then 30 yards from him. I hate moving my best shooters to the middle but sometimes I have to.
They enjoy the lodge life, lots of friends and treats. Sugar doesn't think much of the bears but Molly loves chasing them off.

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Now, that is funny! And if dogs can figure things out that quickly, it is no great problem for people to put together what is happening.
Got to love a dog who will tell you off when they work so hard to get on point and then the hunters miss, Wait she's the hunter all they do is shoot. :)>)
That's a lot of hunting. Clark would be jealous if he knew!

I didn't take him out to the hunt club in March. We were busy with other stuff. He's been getting a lot of long, tough walks, but no hunting. I don't think I'll tell him about your dogs and their 1500 birds...

Guy Miner":2bo4gkuk said:
That's a lot of hunting. Clark would be jealous if he knew!

I didn't take him out to the hunt club in March. We were busy with other stuff. He's been getting a lot of long, tough walks, but no hunting. I don't think I'll tell him about your dogs and their 1500 birds...

It was a lot of hunting and a significant change in direction. Part of that change was good, the boss actually made a little money. The change I didn't care for was body counts vs a good hunt. Last year guys were routinely stopping for photos and at the end a group shot. Almost never this year. Most of the guest really liked it so I guess I'm the one who needs to change, body count vs quality hunt.
We'll see what next year brings, but I'm planning on stepping back to a back up role, just one or two days a week.

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salmonchaser":3ul8fpg1 said:
Guy Miner":3ul8fpg1 said:
That's a lot of hunting. Clark would be jealous if he knew!

I didn't take him out to the hunt club in March. We were busy with other stuff. He's been getting a lot of long, tough walks, but no hunting. I don't think I'll tell him about your dogs and their 1500 birds...

It was a lot of hunting and a significant change in direction. Part of that change was good, the boss actually made a little money. The change I didn't care for was body counts vs a good hunt. Last year guys were routinely stopping for photos and at the end a group shot. Almost never this year. Most of the guest really liked it so I guess I'm the one who needs to change, body count vs quality hunt.
We'll see what next year brings, but I'm planning on stepping back to a back up role, just one or two days a week.

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I wonder if this is indicative of newer hunters? When we were first involved, game on the ground was paramount. As we matured, the hunt itself became important. We respected the animal, whether mammal or bird, admiring their strength and stealth. Knowing that we could match them grew in importance and meat on the plate became secondary. Yeah, as I read your post, I couldn't help but wonder whether this was indicative of newer hunters. If so, perhaps it is a positive thing.
DrMike, I believe that you hit it right on the head. This past fall I spent numerous days in the field for both upland game and big game. It was great when I got to pull the trigger but in my mind it was a successful year as I did all my hunting with family and friends :wink:.
It was the first time that I can remember when I did not pull the trigger during all my big game hunts :shock:.

Thats a lot of hunting. Congrats on a great season both for you and your dogs

I have a question for you hunting dog guys. Salmonchaser, Earle, Guy, etc

Why can't you or maybe you do take the dogs to Alaska with you ? I know Cheyenne has one dog ( forgot the breed) that goes with her everywhere when she hunts, fishes, etc
The dogs go with, bit of a pain in the butt however. The airlines require a health certificate, 50.00/dog within 10 days of your trip, only good for 10 days.
Large dogs go in baggage $100.00/dog. In my case connection out to King Salmon they want another $100.00. I always have to argue that it was paid for via Alaska, prevail about half the time. Same thing coming back. The big problem has been the lack of a vet out in KING SALMON. So far the airlines have accepted a fax from my vet that the dogs are in good health etc.
I never have added up those costs don't intend to start now.
Both Portland and Seattle airports suck for traveling with dogs, Portland has a patch of grass the size of a kids bedroom for a potty break, Seattle is worse. Anchorage is good.
The dogs seem to make it fine, but they are ready to get out of their kennel when we get there.
You also need to double check your dog crate. If one of the twenty screws that hold the top and bottom together is missing, they'll have a problem with that. I carry a couple extra.
You can't carry a knife and they require the door to be zip tied shut. Any where from one to four zip ties depending on the agent. I bought a bag of easy release zip ties several years ago, saves trying to find something sharp when your dogs are trying to eat their way out.
I always carry two days rations for the dogs in case of flight cancellations.
Anyone who has connected out to remote Alaska on Penn Air knows it's a 50/50 proposition with Penn ( aka when) air.

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whoa!!!!! a true test for a man who wants his dogs with him. That is a real hassle for sure. Thank you for taking the time spell it out.
hunternyny":1kwgzaph said:
whoa!!!!! a true test for a man who wants his dogs with him. That is a real hassle for sure. Thank you for taking the time spell it out.
They have a good time
Love watching for bears and god help anyone who fishes in front of our place

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Nice reading your stories, even better is the talents of you two dogs. Good to know you have such fine working animals. I'd bet they just love waiting for someone to come along to fish!

Good luck this year in Alaska, safe travels too.
longrangehunter":20hy6id7 said:
Nice reading your stories, even better is the talents of you two dogs. Good to know you have such fine working animals. I'd bet they just love waiting for someone to come along to fish!

Good luck this year in Alaska, safe travels too.
Thankyou, as to the interlopers: going past the lodge; one eye open maybe wiggle an ear.
Slowing down: immediate alert.
Starting to fish; mad dash barking onto the dock.
Fighting a fish: they simply go crazy, jumping into the river, running up and down the shore.
They have laid claim to about 400 yards down river and 200 yards up river.

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