Leica CRF 1600 B

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Well guys, I purchased it and took it out for Whitetail the day it arrived :).
I had only used a range finder one other time so I am a novice when it comes to this technology.
The basics are very simple and that works for me.
I would have to say it would get A+ for clarity & it was very accurate in ranging & fast as well.
Once I learn all it can do. I will give a further report :)

They are a fine product that makes it easy to discover how far you were actually shooting. :grin:
I bought one last year also. I did use it and read the manual while in my lawn chair before going hunting & used it for a couple weeks before I left for Idaho last year. I think it is very well built & performance was perfect. I have had zero problems with it so far.
I have used it for parts of two full hunting seasons and find that it does everything it stated it will. My God son has the Zeiss 800 (I believe) I have tried both, mine is not as bulky and too me ranges faster.
I may have jumped the gun in purchasing it :wink: if I would have saved a little more and been patience I could have bought their range finder binoculars. DrMike has stated that Leica has hit a home run with them.

Dan, I'll likely be putting the Leicas up for sale as I have picked up a new set of the Swarovski range finder. I will say that they are comparable in clarity, and all the other criteria I've tested so far. Just had to have the latest, and the new Leicas are way behind on shipping.
I've read several reviews saying that the new Leica RF bino's aren't in the same league as the Swarovski RF bino's. The rangefinder in the Swarovski is suppose to be way better then even their hand held RF, which is really good.
I haven't used the new Leicas (though I have held a pair and looked through them), so I'm not qualified to comment. I do know that what I've seen of the new Swarovski RF is quite impressive. I'll use it this season and then give a report. I almost sprung for the Zeiss rather than the Swarovski, and all that I've seen and heard leads me to believe these would have been a good purchase as well.
I'm interested in what you think about it after some use, Doc. I need some new glass, and I can kill two birds with one stone. Plus not have an extra piece of gear strapped to me.
Within the month, I should be able to give them a good work out. For sure, I'll give a report of my assessment then.
My experience with Leica (cameras, ER scope, pocket binoculars) they are first cabin, optically.
agree one hundred percent Charlie, I've used their rangefinders and Binoculars for a lot of years and never had an issue. Quality is top notch.