Long Awaited bench Rig


Jan 19, 2008
Finally, well almost. Got the stock today and had to assemble for a foto-op. I still have final chambering to do, but almost there. Its been a long wait, fer sure.

Its a 6.5/06 Imp, BAT MB action, Krieger 30" barrel, Russo/Baer MBR stock and topped off with a 12x42 NBR. I cannot wait to pull the trigger. But of course I hit the road for work on Monday for two weeks, then I may get time to finish it.... Till then I can at least fondle it.

Thanks for letting me share...


Pix aint the best, will post some better ones after I pop er cherry....


She is a beauty! Congratulations. Let us know how she shoots and the loads you are shooting.

Yep, having to wipe the drewl out of the corner of my mouth.

Very nice... I'm certianly interested in your load combo's and velocities when you get started.

Good luck.. looks like a lot of fun to be had shortly.
Now that is one sweet looking rig. IF it shoots half as good as it looks you're gonna have a winner.

THanks Guys,

Yep last night my pillow was soaked from me drooling, dreaming about shooting it.... :lol:

Thanks for the comments guys, makes one feeling warm and fuzzy.

There are a few folks that assisted me in this project;

Bob Pastor of Viper Benchrests, who lit the fire under my butt to get started building this and who provided me the barrels and guidance and the Awesome front rest. Also for being one hell of a Mentor and friend.

Joel Russo, who put up with me for the past yr and built me a stock that no picture can caputure the depth of the finish. Man what a finish on that stock, looks wet and glassy.. Another class act guy with unquestionable integrity and lots of paitence...

Wolf's Welding & Shooting Shack, providing the FFL service and machine shop access and tutoring/babysitting. (He is an artist in metal and the best relative/friend/mentor/blood brother a guy could ask for ).

Now to finish it and shoot it.... With luck, by the end of Sept I'll have a report to post...

Come on now Rod, does that mean you are not going to bring it down for the egg shoot on the 30th of August?

sweet rig nodak7mm. My money is on that rig being a tackdriver. Keep us posted. :grin: :grin:
Larry, sorry my friend but wont be ready till late sept & then its time to lift beets & thrash beans.

DF, yep I am doing the metal work, but guided/controlled by 2 great machinist friends. I am basically a machinist wannabe..

Future results and data forthcoming....

Very cool! 8)

Keep us posted with progress and pictures.

not a bad lookin stick, excellant choice of caliber. for paper punching try the 139 gr scenars, best shooting bullet I ever played with, but they suk for hunting.
I ARE OOOFICIALLY JEALOUS......NICE set up. Hey, what and where is the "egg shoot" Can a mere mortal of modes means get in on that kind a fun? PM me if ya want, dont want to high jack the thread. CL