Looking for .257 Roberts load data


Dec 7, 2007
I have a Remington 722 in .257 Roberts that is grouping (3) 100 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips w/IMR-4350 under .5" @ 100 yards. I tried the same powder with Hornady 117 SST and groups open up to almost 2.0". Is anyone willing to share their load data for .257 Roberts w/115-120gr?
I assume that your 722 has a 22" barrel? I load for 2 257's, one is a Ruger M77 MKII 22", which is my rifle. The other is my wifes Ruger#1, 26". For the heavier bullets a slower burning powder works best.. Both of these like Norma MRP, and using the 115 gr BT will shoot sub 1 MOA. Reloader 26 shows to be optimum with the Quik Load data for the same bullet.. I am sure some one will show up here and can run you a Quik Load for the Bullet you choose. Hornady just announced a 115 ELDX for the quarter bores and I am waiting for someone to stock them and give them a try.. One of the most underrated and underloaded cartridges going..
Good luck
I'd start out with around 45grs of H-4831 and any 115-117gr bullet and work up to around 48grs if you can. Should yield around 3000 fps from a 24" barrel and give fantastic groups. At least it does in my Remington 700's 24" barrel. I'd choose the 117 sierra or the 115 ballistic tip over the SST. The 117 SST didn't shoot well in my rifle. If someone would run out a quick load for the Bob with a 117 gr sst to around 62000 or 63000 psi you see more possibilities.
I'd start out with around 45grs of H-4831 and any 115-117gr bullet and work up to around 48grs if you can. Should yield around 3000 fps from a 24" barrel and give fantastic groups. At least it does in my Remington 700's 24" barrel. I'd choose the 117 sierra or the 115 ballistic tip over the SST. The 117 SST didn't shoot well in my rifle. If someone would run out a quick load for the Bob with a 117 gr sst to around 62000 or 63000 psi you see more possibilities.

edit, I don't think the ELDX would work in your 722 unless you choose to shoot single shot.
Glad to see you posting Bruce.

I would check the rifling twist in that barrel since it could be too slow for the longer heavier bullets.
Anything over 115grs will key hole in my 257 which has a 1-12 twist. To shoot the heavier bullets they need to be of the round nose persuasion to stabilize in my rifle.
I once shot a white tail buck threw the nose for a brain shot since he was hid behind a tree and only showed me his head so I center punched his nose with a 115gr Hornady round nose bullet at about 200yds.
A few of my friends heard what I did and gave me a red Xmas light bulb for it's nose to replace the one I shot out :>)
I'm not bragging just explaining that for hunting purposes you are not handicapped using a round nose bullet and shouldn't over look them if your rifle likes them.
The short heavy round nose bullets are the ticket in a slow twist barrel for accuracy with heavy for caliber bullets.
We tend to get caught up in all these fancy new bullets for long range shooting but forget they are made for specialized twist rates that the older factory barrels don't have.
Bruce, do you like the 117 Sierra GameKing or the Pro-Hunter best in your 700?
I've killed more deer, javelinas, and coyotes with the 117 game king from my Bob than anything else I shoot. I bought the 700 classic for my wife and looked up loads in an old Pacific Tool and Die Reloading manual that Mr. Nagel at Nagel's gun shop in San Antonio gave me when I was 14. It listed H-4831 at 48 grs with a 117gr bullet at 2980 fps. My wife knocked off a couple of deer with it before she lost interest so I adopted the rifle and it quickly became my favorite. I got a chance to chrono some loads back in 1982 and was amazed that it was running at 3000 fps. I killed my largest whitetail with that rifle, a 154" ten point. Several people I know who shoot the Bob from a 722 like the Sierra because it allows them to get the bullet close to the lands without going over the magazine length which you would likely do with the SST or the Ballistic Tip. The Sierra's profile was designed around the Bob and the 3000 a long time ago.
Thanks everyone for all the feedback. I'm put GameKings on order. I have some JBA brass but am not happy with it as primer pockets are a bit loose. I'm using Federal 210M primers and they start to back out with all loads. I have some Winchester WLR and will see if they are any better. If that doesn't work I'll put load work up on hold until I can find new brass. Good Bob brass (Nosler, Winchester or Remington) is hard to find.
grry10":48heixlx said:
Good Bob brass (Nosler, Winchester or Remington) is hard to find.

Aint that the truth!!! This spring Nosler brass was available and I stocked up. Its a little pricey, but so far been good stuff. My wifes Bob gets that brass. I still have a lot of WW brass and my rifle uses it. Good luck with your loads.
Take care