Looking to make a 25/300 wsm


Feb 10, 2007
I am wanting to make a 25/300 wsm rifle. I had a couple of questions about the possibility of using a Rem Model 7 in either a 300 wsm or 300 saum chambering. With the 300 saum I figure you would have open up the bolt face just .001" if that is necasary, I'm not sure. Are their any custom stock options out there for a model 7 action with possibly a bull barrel. I was leaning a bit more towards using the saum action just because I might be able to get one for less $. I have noticed it hasn't really taken off like the wsm's and there are quite a few sitting around. If I didn't have to do any machining and just swap barrels it would be great. What do you guys think of my idea.
Awesome idea!! 25-300 WSM is what stupid ass winchester shoulda did in the first place. That 25 WSSM is nothing more then a glorified 257 ROberts. 25WSM will be on the heels of the 257 WM, now thats something.

I cant really help to much on the stock selection. Theres really not a whole lot for the model 7.
I have one built on a Rem Mag short action, wanted to use a Jewell trigger it can be used in a Mod 7 but the bolt release doesn't work. Mine has a Mcmillan stock, forgot which one, think it is the classic.
Don't know if anyone stocks dies for this caliber but I bought a Redding 300WSM body die and their Type "S" neck bushing die for the 300WSM and got the bushing I needed. Can't remember what I did on the seating die right now but if you are interested, I will look at the die set and get back to you on the seating die.Rick.
Have you guys had any problems with accuracy. I was talking to a couple of local guys and they were saying they had heard of accuracy problems. But the same problem with these visits keeps popping up where most people don't understand that the wsm is not wssm. I can never tell which is which when talking to these guys because they don't know themselves. One guy will talk about a friend who bought one and another will talk about someone who had it made.

All in all how much money have you guys sunk into this little honey. Every once in a while someone will try pissing on my party by stating the obvious "Why don't you just buy a Weatherby?" and I don't have much of a response to them other than I don't want too. This is something I can make and mold into exactly what I want.

I am pretty sure that I read that rcbs is offering custom dies for about $100 a pop.

Do you guys think I will need to open the bolt face the .001" differance between the saum and wsm.
You might wanna try asking this over on www.longrangehunting.com or something. Theres a lot of knowledgable folks and people who build quite a few rifles over there. You might get a little bit more response for what your looking for.

I'd rather have a 25 WSM then a 257 WM as well. Which is why I really really really wished Winchester woulda originally came out with it, instead of that stupid WSSM. I woulda been first in line to get one, thats for certain! As far as accuracy problems, if its built right by a good gunsmith with good components, and you load good shells and know how to shoot, chances are it'll shoot 1/2 MOA and better.

I'm not to sure about opening the bolt face. Thats why I gave the link to LRH.com. Someone will know all the answers to your questions.
No problem with accuracy, make my brass from 270WSM. Don't remember if the bolt face had to be opened up. Buying a 257WBY for me was not an option. I like WBY's but not their stocks. Plus my 25WSM is on a short action with a 22"barrel, all I want for our type of hunting. Some folks drive Cadilacs I am a Ford/Chevy man myself. You don't need a reason for a wildcat.Rick.
I think Sundra had one built and called it the "25 Pronghorn". Cant remember what Magazine I saw it in. If you go to the savage shooters web site there is an article there too. No kidding Winchester dropped the ball. A 25WSM from the figures I've seen would beat out a Wby just slightly. All that in a shorter action with off the shelf ammo. How can you go wrong?

Savage should chamber a rifle for it and call it a "250-super Savage" :)
here's the link. CL

http://www.savageshooters.com/Pages/257 ... _Page.html
Yes I have that mag, I know it is a Peterson's. I can't remember which one but I think it was rifleshooter. Personally I like the name 257 wsm over the others I have heard. I don't really get why Sundra gets to name it the "Pronghorn" since he says himself that his guide in WY already had one.

I was looking at Model 7's today at a local gun shop and decided that the model 7 action isn't what I really want. So I think I will start looking at either a 700 action or Ruger m77. I don't think I can afford anything else. Savage and or a Vangaurd could be cheaper but neither really apeall to me.

I really can't believe that Winchester didn't look at this as a possibility. Maybe they could still come out with something or maybe remington could do something on their saum case. Although I don't think the performance would be as good.

P.S. thanks for links guys.
I don't know why but I just can't get excited about a 700 for some reason. I think I am going to end up getting a ruger, especially since the m77 's are going for between $450 and $500 (closeout) everywhere I look. If I did go with a 700 it would simply never be done. There are just too many options when I start thinking about it. They meriad of options just make my head spin.