M70 Range Day


Dec 24, 2006
Well, I wanted to get out and do a little shooting today. Wanted to see if the 264 Win Mag continued to shoot as well as it has been. I spent the last three days scrubbing the tar out of the barrels of the 264WM, 270WSM, and 7WSM. I took them back to bare metal and really got at them with the Bore Tech CU2. Anyhow, the 264WM did not disappoint me a bit turning in these two groups..



I have to say I am elated with the load. Rechecked it over the chrono again today, as it was about 40* here in Va while I was at the range. Ran right at 3180 for 67.6gr of RL25, CCI250's, Nosler Cases and the 140 BT.

Here are a couple happy shots of that M70. Don't make too much fun of the Nikon Pro Staff. Now that the rifle has proven it'll shoot, it will get some proper glass.

M70 Classic Sporter



Next up was the 270WSM. This rifle is kinda my baby, always shooting everything pretty well. Anyhow, here are the first three out of a squeaky clean bore with the known load of 66gr's RL22, CCI250, WW cases, and the 150 BT. These run out at around 3125FPS


Well, the next 6 shots were the 150 grain Partition Gold. One of our members here was kind enough to send me a box of 50 of these awesome bullets. I felt like I just had to try them, so I loaded them over the same load I use for the regular 150 PT's which is 65.5gr's RL22, CCI250's and WW cases.

First group with em


They ran right at 3100.. Pretty powerful combo


Anyhow, I kinda blew the 2nd group out the window, but still pretty good. For sure it is Minute of Elk HEART!


I have a feeling I know what I will be using the other 44 bullets for if the 270 goes West this year.

Couple shots of Old Faithful



Then, I moved on to the 7WSM. This rifle has always been extremely accurate for me, UNTIL I switched from the old 160 AB 2nds. I was loading at 2.950" with the old 160's and man, if you followed it in the other posts, the new 160's just weren't having any part of it. Well, I have finally backed them down to 2.850" and now, they seem to be clicking. These are using 67gr's of RL22, CCI250's, WW cases, and the 160 AB's. They run out of my rifle right at 3100 as well. Hard to not like this rifle. Pretty gentle on the shooter and has excellent ballistics..

This is the first group out of the rifle today


I was really smiling after that, and thought I just nailed it!

WELLL...... I was doing really well on the 2nd group, had a big hole going and dorked the 3rd one.. Ah well, still good enough for me right now. Didn't wanna leave this rifle all Summer wondering if it was going to shoot again..


Some shots of the M70 7WSM Laminate



Anyhow, it was a great day with the M70's. Very pleased with how they shot. Annealing the 264WM and 7WSM really seemed to help as well. No split case necks and they resized/loaded better than new brass. I really can't wait to get back and do some more long range shooting with them. Not too bad for a bunch of poorly built New Haven Winchesters! :twisted:
Oo-rah! Great shooting. It is nice to enjoy the confidence a good load from an accurate rifle gives.
Scotty, that is some fine shooting, yes you can sure find confidence when you are shooting groups like that :)

sask boy":33k9ecdc said:
Scotty, that is some fine shooting, yes you can sure find confidence when you are shooting groups like that :)


Dan, you may have to look for a LH'ed 264... Getting pretty fond of it all the sudden! Plus, I have your loads covered! :twisted:
Good shooting Scotty! I sooooooooooooooo want a 264 and your not helping showing groups like those. I've used all my will powder to stop chewing after 30 years so I'm pretty weak and vulnerable right now and it's not my fault if I give in to temptation, or so I'll tell the wife.

OU812":1fkq1v3y said:
Good shooting Scotty! I sooooooooooooooo want a 264 and your not helping showing groups like those. I've used all my will powder to stop chewing after 30 years so I'm pretty weak and vulnerable right now and it's not my fault if I give in to temptation, or so I'll tell the wife.


Thanks Bill. The 264 is pretty amazing what it does with 140's.. Kinda fun actually and almost no recoil. I won't tell your wife.. New M70's are out there!!!!
I just don't know what to say Scotty except that is some fine shooting, and that cheapo Nikon must not be too bad of scope to hold zero for you the way it is! Nice job sir. Forgot to add that they are gorgeous too! :shock:
6mm Remington":1mdh3pa9 said:
I just don't know what to say Scotty except that is some fine shooting, and that cheapo Nikon must not be too bad of scope to hold zero for you the way it is! Nice job sir. Forgot to add that they are gorgeous too! :shock:

Thank you David. It is actually an okay scope. I have nothing bad to say about it. Worked good enough to shoot out to 600 as well.

I was thinking you would like the laminates.
I'm starting to think that you're showcasing these fine rifles for a future sale to finance something special. ?? If that be the case, I will gladly relieve you of that 7WSM. This will also diminish the angst you feel when you have to decide between it and the 270WSM. :twisted:

Seriously, you have three excellent laser beams here. Nice shooting too. Hopefully you'll finish everything on your list before you have to get back to work.
Great groups Scotty. Death rays, each of them.

Is that a 7 WSM Featherweight I hear calling???
That .264 is awfully impressive, Scotty. I know you must be pretty jazzed over the performance you're getting. It's hard to beat a Model 70 that's dialed in...it just has everything going for it, as in good looks and all the best features. Gotta love 'em!
Hegland":284ekmfy said:
Great groups Scotty. Death rays, each of them.

Is that a 7 WSM Featherweight I hear calling???

Man, I bought my older NH made M70 just before I saw that Winchester is chambering them again. I love mine, but an Extreme Weather in 7WSM would be about as slick a mountain rifle as there could be. It's a really good cartridge. You guys that want 7's should look at it. Those 280 guys will try to steer you elsewhere, the little 7 does all of the AI and then some.

The 264, well I'm beside myself I'm so happy with it. 140's at nearly 3200 makes for a great flatliner that barely bumps you on the shoulder. Hard to choose just one!
Very nice work at the range, Scotty. Since you're talking about re-scoping the 264, did you get the email from Cameraland today? If not, I'll forward it to you. Plenty of interesting optics sale reading...
Scotty that looks like one very gratifying day at the range! Nice shooting and load work!