348 Winchester loadtests


Aug 22, 2023
I got out 2 Winchester 71s and 1nBrowning 71(carbine version for some load testing. Conclusion,OH happy day. My 71's have names to keep track of them. Today I was shooting Rancher 71 (well traveled rifle, restocked by me as buttstock was broken in horse wreck, hence got rifle cheap, and "chipped stock 71, a late productoion Standard 71 with a sling attachment poorly installed by previos owner, rifle itself as new., and my
Browning 71 carbine with Burris FastFire II sight.

Browning carbine with Barnes X 200gr bullet IMR 4350, 2400fps

Same load in "chipped"71 gave 2420fps and 1.5" 100yd 4 shot group with receiver sights.
"Rancher" 71 shoots it's favorite load , Hornady 200gr bullet, H4831sc at 2380fps, consistent 100yd 1.5-2"" 4 shot groups.
Over the years I have found all my 71s will on occasion print snake eyes with the first 2 shots with accurate loads. I suspect my bench rest technique for lever actions could use further refinement, as this pattern has occurred to often to be chance. Carbine printed this group with first 2 shots of the Barnes X load (3rd shot was 2" to the left)
A favorite of mine, though I don’t own one. I remember in the late 60s our local gun shop had a barrel at the end of the counter stuffed full of 71s. Every body was buying model 70s. Yours look to be well dialed in.
Your 71's are set to go.
Definitely a very cool rifle y cartridge.

I wish that Winchester would have offered the M71 in some additional calibers. As interesting and cool as the .348 is, I think they would have sold more rifles if there had been other options.
A favorite of mine, though I don’t own one. I remember in the late 60s our local gun shop had a barrel at the end of the counter stuffed full of 71s. Every body was buying model 70s. Yours look to be well dialed in.
I am such a chicken, but I'd love to carry mine elk hunting. It does amazing with the 250 Barnes/Woodleigh bullets at 2300, that I feel like I could put one on a bull at 200 or maybe a touch more. One of these days I need to give it a walk on the mountain.. Maybe my son or brother can back me up.... :cool:

They do work great on bucks as well though and I believe that it is Winchesters greatest lever gun. Nothing stouter than that old 1886 frame that I know of.