I just went and acquired a few of the powders I was getting low on (RL22, RL19, H4198, and Retumbo) and after I bought the powder, I started looking around to see what the store had for M70's. Well, they just happened to have a M70 Safari Express in 458WM. WHAT A RIFLE fellas! It wasn't as heavy as I thought it was going to be and the fit and finish was very good to my eye. The barrel looked to be floated. Probably had about 1/32" or so of gap on each side of the barrel channel and the bottom metal and blueing was EXCELLENT. The price at this place was 1200.00, which isn't horrible for a very nice Safari kinda rifle. When thrown up to the shoulder, the Express Sights came right to my eye and I imagined a big buffalo at the end of them! Pretty cool stuff.
I could see one of them in my future. I was very impressed with the balance of such a heavy barrel and nicely shaped stock, making the rifle seem very packable. It also had a very nice Pachmayr recoil pad on it which I would assume would do nothing but help the recoil. Anyhow, just thought I would share some of my day dreams with you all. Scotty
I could see one of them in my future. I was very impressed with the balance of such a heavy barrel and nicely shaped stock, making the rifle seem very packable. It also had a very nice Pachmayr recoil pad on it which I would assume would do nothing but help the recoil. Anyhow, just thought I would share some of my day dreams with you all. Scotty