Minox service

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Son pulled his rifle out his rifle looked through his new ZA5 & the retical has made a half turn to the right:( fired only 6 shots through it to sight in:(

Using the extra 300 WSM now.

What do you mean Dan? It rotated in the scope? Or twisted in the rings?
I hope they get the bugs worked out of their scopes soon so they will be more durable. They do have a lot of good features. Hopefully you will get the scope back soon.
Darn, that is odd. Never seen that or knew it could happen.

I'm with you Gerry.
Actually 2 people at the range advised it happened to people they knew.
I am hoping the Canadian distributor will send new I will be selling & order the Leupold VX6. I don't like glass giving problems.

I don't doubt that they'll make it right, and quickly. They have a lot riding on their service.
Hey Guys if I ship it State side I am wondering can they ship it back to me
With that home land security stuff?


I work through the Canadian distributor whenever I need to send a scope for repair (it does happen even with the best scopes). They are licensed with HS, so it avoids the trouble. Canadian Outdoor Distributing Inc. is the firm handling Minox (and Leica and Meopta). I would contact them and ask for directions (1-866-966-0406).
Thanks Mike, I will give them a call when I get home from the church.
I hope that it turns out well.
I am not sure if I can get it back in time for WT season but I told my son that I would take my VX6 off my 270 and place it on his.
I will be using the new little lady this year :wink:
We are leaving Thursday evening or Friday morning for the last part of our draw moose season. The girl is going to get used :)

Good luck on the hunt, Dan. I'm hoping to get time to hunt the final days of elk. I'm booked solid tomorrow. I'm likely out of pocket today as a new parishioner needs time. That leaves Wednesday (d.v.). Now it is getting tight.
Dan, I had an issue with mine also when I was done sighting in for the trip. I went to turn the power ring down and the whole rear section of scope spun. I contacted Minox and sent it in. This was 4 weeks out. They stated to mention about the upcoming trip on the repair request. I told them to take their time that I had already pulled another scope from another rifle and that I did not want to do things at the last minute. They had it back in 2 weeks. I'll put it back on for next year. Good luck with your hunt.
billbam":2v1390xh said:
Dan, I had an issue with mine also when I was done sighting in for the trip. I went to turn the power ring down and the whole rear section of scope spun. I contacted Minox and sent it in. This was 4 weeks out. They stated to mention about the upcoming trip on the repair request. I told them to take their time that I had already pulled another scope from another rifle and that I did not want to do things at the last minute. They had it back in 2 weeks. I'll put it back on for next year. Good luck with your hunt.

That is good to hear Bill. Glad they were able to kick it up a notch for you.
Well the scope has been sent after I spoke with a Rep.
He advised that if I mark Minox repair it will go straight to him & he will look after it immediately.
I sent a letter asking if they had flip up scope covers for the Minox & also ask for the same thing on my Leica.
Hope they will have it repaired or replace as quickly as they said they would :wink:

Well Minox service is right up there with the other top glass companies. I received a package yesterday before lunch and a new Minox ZA5 was on my son's 270 win and sighted in before 3:00pm. A one week turn around works for me. :mrgreen:
I am very happy with how we were treated. Garry from Canadian Outdoors was excellent to deal with :)
Hoping to get out this weekend for Muley does but not sure if the weather is going to cooperate as a storm front is supposedly moving in :(.
Plans had to be changed as good family friend's son was killed :cry: in Chillawack this past Friday and the funeral is this coming Saturday. Kids think they are invincible so sad.

That is a great report on the Minox, Dan. I'm sorry to hear about your friends death. That is quite a drive to Chilliwack. You might as well come on through DC afterwards.
Actually Mike, Robbie is from Regina & was in Chillawack with his sister visiting his mom. Unfortunately the accident made a lot of the papers in western Canada:( such a waste of a young life he was a good young guy that just thought he was invincible.

The death of a young person sobers us all pretty quickly. I pray God's peace for his family, Dan.