Minox ZA5 HD

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I had a ZA 3 that I let go to get my first 35 Whelen and was wondering if anyone has used or owns one of the new ZA5 HD's and how they like them along with the Z600 reticule?.
I have two or three of the 2-10HDs. They are light years ahead of the older models. Great optics and adjust pretty well. No complaints really. I've got one on my 264, 6.5x55 and my sons 7x57 Mauser. Great optics for the money. All have #4 reticles though.
Scotty, The pictures of the Minox G #4 reticule looks fairly wide with nice post. I had a Leupold G #4 and it was narrow and the post very heavy and took up a lot of the scope. Is the Minox G #4 the same?
Mines fairly open. I actually like the thicker crosshairs on the #4 since I can see them better in lower light. They aren't a perfect #4 but they are decent.

The Meopta #4 is probably my favorite #4 or the Leupold Post and Duplex reticle. I've got a couple of them and they are fantastic hunting reticles.
I like the Minox #4 a lot better than others. The Zeiss is too thick the Swaros to thin. The Minox and Leica are my favorites as far as reticles.
I have 3 of the ZA5's. 2 are the 3-15 with the side focus and 1 is -10 (I think). I just swapped one of the 3-15's off of the 264 (replacing it with the Zeiss Conquest HD5 I just got). I'll move the ZA5 to one of the 25-06's.
I love the optical clarity and sharpness as well as the ease of the side focus. They box a target accurately and hold their setting through all sorts of bumps.
I'll probably continue to swap out my cheaper stuff over time with more of these.
I went with the Meopta Meopro 3.5-10X44mm instead of the Minox ZA5. So far I'm very happy with the Meopta Meopro line of scopes.


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Rodger those are a fine scope!! I am sure it is going to be a good piece of glass (y).

Thanks Dan, I really like the one I have on my 35 Whelen AI and if I needed another one the Meopta is the one I would buy.