Model Seven 308 load for 125 bt?


Jul 31, 2007
Will the 125 bt shoot accurately in my 1-10 twist Model Seven? Any load suggestions will be appreciated.
Should not be a problem. I would suggest trying powders such as RL 15, Varget, H or I-4895, V V 540.Rick.
Jazzball- Please post your results after you finish experimenting with this bullet. I am very interested as I also shoot the model 7. I will do the same. As of now, I have worked with the 150 Ballistic tip (47 Varget) and 165 AccuBond (46 Varget). Max load of W748 was Nosler's accuracy load testing the 125.
I used AA2230 since I had plenty. I started with 45 gr. and went up 1/2 gr. at a time. 46 gr. turned out to be the magic number. 3 shots fell into a group that can be covered by a dime. I plan to load 10 more and see if my success was a fluke. It will have to wait until after the 20th due to family vacation.
P.S. This is the same load that shot well in my Win. Mod. 70 Coyote.

Try Varget and IMR4895 in your 308 Win with the 125 gr BT.
You should get good velocity with nice accuracy.

Here in the fothills of NC, we don't have any antelope (I wish). I plan to try this load on coyotes first (just to watch the fur fly), then whitetail deer. I'll probably shoot any sabertooth groundhogs that I find in the farmer's cow pasture.

The 150 gr or 165 gr BT's would actually be a better choice for WT deer.
They will kill like lighting. 8)

JD338,I've used the 150 NBT for years, and you are correct about how well they work. In the last few years, however, I've been using a .243 with 90 NBT (and lighter bullets)a lot more often. This combination has been working very well for me. I think the 125 NBT in a .308 should handle deer as well, or better, than the .243. I've always been very careful about my shot placement.

I hear ya. I just like a little more bullet weight for that dreadful hard angle shot. :wink:
