More milk jug bullets


Oct 11, 2006
Finally got around to taking pictures of the recovered Accubonds from milk jugs shot at 50 yards. The on the left is from my Tikka T3 30-06 and started life as a 165 AB and the ending weight was 122.3 grains which did not look to bad.

The second from the same distance was from my Savage 111 7mmRM starting with 160 grains and ending with 99.00 grains which seemed a bit low to me. This is the exact same load I shot I shot my elk with last year and just a little bit further away so I can see why he dropped so quick.


Cool. So both were recovered from the 5th jug in the stack, mushroomed well, shed some weight... Nice!

Do you know the muzzle velocity of those two loads of yours? I'm thinking the 7mm mag might be pushing 3,000 fps - pretty typical of that cartridge - which would lead to loss of more bullet weight easily enough.

Fun stuff, and interesting. I need to go blow some jugs apart myself. Heck, bear season is only a month away now!

Regards, Guy
The AccuBond on average will retain two thirds of it's weight after a text book mushroom. Out of 5 deer I have shot using the 130 AB in my 264 Win mag with a muzzle velocity out of the 27 3/4" barrel of 3350 fps from 80 to 250 yards I have only recovered one bullet. It was from a buck shot at 111 yards that was facing me with a slight left shoulder toward me angle. Bullet was placed on the edge of the left shoulder and was found in the right ham when cutting up the meat. It was a text book mushroom and weight was 87 grs. That bullet had to still be going at least 3150 fps on impact. The bullet smashed the scapula going in and the buck fell back on his butt and fell over and his front feet kicked twice and he was dead.
I am pleased to see these results. Seems like the AB's have been very predictable in performance.
Very comforting results. For sure the water is a genuine stress test. As Guy has already asked, if you have velocities, post them for us.
Sorry I should have know better. The 30-06 is going approximately 2850 and the 7 mag is going approximately 2970 fps. Those are really close numbers off memory.

Well I got home and checked my actuall chrono numbers. With 165 grn 30-06 on average I'm getting 2888 fps and with the 7mmRM and 160 grn bullets I'm getting 2988 fps. Guy you were relly close. The 7 mag almost went through the 5th jug, it split it where the bullet hit, but just now quite. Next I'm going to try 150 Etips in the 7mag at 2934 fps.

Those are pretty good, and typical results! Nicely done.

Very awesome results Corey. Those bullets look perfect to me as well. I can't say I see anything wrong with the 7mm bullet. At 50 yards, that is alot of impact speed and would stress about any bullet out there. Thanks for posting them up.

Man, I need to get cracking and test some bullets! Scotty
Good post. Of all the Accubonds shot from my rifles, I have recovered one....a 180gr from my 300WM....had about 87% weight retention and 2 from some buddies had 67 and 80%. Perfect expansion. Most shots have been complete pass-thru penetration double lung shots....from 300WM and 270WSM's. Small entrance wound...HUGE EXIT!!!

I have only recovered one from a buck. It was shot at 80 yards or so. Took out about a foot and on-half of Neck and spine. 7mm 160 Ab at 3060 fps MV 60% retention. Looked like these posted here.