moultrie game management system

Well at least I have a trail cam! Now all I need to do, is find it? Then find a trail, sounds like a lot of work in the northwest.
The ads look good. It's against the regs to bait here in BC, so such things seem quite foreign.
I have 5 trail cameras I use on our ranch to help scout whitetails. My favorites are Moultrie cameras, I have two of the D55IR model. They have been the best by far of the ones I've tried on battery life, reliability, and function in cold weather. I have two Primos Truth 46 cameras also that work good until the temperature gets to freezing. After that they eat batteries when they work at all, which is usually only midday through nightfall when the sun warms them up. Never used anything fancier, I like the D55IR model well enough I'd rather have more cameras than nicer ones. I also have one high on the lift in our shop that takes pictures of anyone who walks up to my big toolbox in case we ever get robbed. I worked for the Case/New Holland dealership for a few years out of college and put alot of money into tools when I could get them off the Snap-On truck for a discount. I'd hate to replace them now.