MSM and 30-06


Jun 5, 2011
Here's 75 grains of H1000 from the 7 MSM with a 160 gr AccuBond.

Here's 76 grains:

I think I should go back to 75 grains! Only about 3150 fps, but that's not bad. Bob and Scotty recommended the same. I'll play with seating depth. Also, the RCBS dies that I made the ammo with had really tight neck tension, and I surprisingly got the Redding dies earlier than expected this week. A change in neck tension might make the groups a bit better.

I had also never really proven the 30-06 load I took elk hunting last fall in Wyoming. It did it's job there, and here's a 20-shot group.

I love playing with various cartridges, but a 30-06 that delivers that type of performance is a force to be reckoned with. Can't see much in NA walking away from a good rifleman armed with a 30-06 and a load that delivers that sort of accuracy. Excellent riflery, Joel. I wouldn't be inclined to be too far from that rifle any time I was going afield.
I know of 4-5 7mm Mashburn barrels that easily handle 75-76 gr H1000 with 160's for 3150 to a bit over 3200 fps. Mine does it with 162 Amax, 160 Partitions.160 AB's and 160 Bitterroots.

I think Joel's rifle may need a bit of load work with something else other than H1000,although too early to tell.
That 30-06 shoots like a son of a gun Joel.

As for your MSM, I think Retumbo or something similar in burn speed would get you a little more speed if you wanted it.

As it sits right now, I'd probably just tune the seating depth with your 75 grain load. 3150 to 3200 won't make a hill of beans difference and having a known good load takes the pressure off if you decide to experiment more.
I do find it a little funny that the Remington barrel seems so much "tighter" than the Win and custom barrels others are using. Guess that is why we do this stuff anyhow.
Thanks all for the kind words.

I also have some Nosler brass that I can try in the MSM; I wonder if it would make a difference to switch brass. At a minimum I need to fire form it anyway.

I have three more days of leave I have to use or lose by 1 Oct, that's at a minimum two more trips to the range on top of weekend trips. My lovely wife (no others smarter or more beautiful than she, as she stands over my shoulder) might want me to spend one of those days with her.
Sounds like a great use of leave days to me Joel!!

I think just shortening up the AB may get you where you wanna be. The Nosler brass may help but then again it might just be the same. Shortening it should get you a bit smaller group as you walk that 3rd shot in.
Scotty I secretly wonder if Nosler brass might be a bit more hard and not show ejector marks. But that's the wrong way to think. Pressure is pressure, in both brands of cases.

I once loaded my 30-06 trying to see how much velocity I could get with 180 PTs and stopped when I saw ejector marks on Lapua brass. That's when you really know to stop! I haven't worked with Hornady brass much though.
I haven't found Hornady to be real soft. In most cases it really seems like Winchester brass which is usually very hard.

You never know though. I'd think a slower powder would be in order before is increase your H1000 load.

It is amazing how slow our lots of H1000 are.
Joel. Nice '06 loads. I am going to break in a new Sako this coming week. Hope she shoots like that. Loaded everything from 150 e-tips to 180 AB. For my other '06 with 180 gr bullets RL-22 has a proven record. I loaded the 180 AB with Hunter.
