My little piece of paradise on TV


Aug 11, 2008
So tonight I flip on the Sportsmans channel and see a show called the Outfitters... low and behold they feature my home town and stomping groups Klamath Falls, Oregon. Watching the intro I thought Damm that looks familiar :) Duck and goose hunting followed by trophy Trout fishing.... Yep that's home.

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AC, I lived in K Falls, from the fall of 69 to 75. Weyerhaeuser owned the mill and I worked for them, in the woods. A great town, was somewhat depressed the last time I was thru in 99. I spent a lot of time out along the Klamath and the Bly and Silver Lake country. Nice country.
Before I moved to Washington we used to hunt ducks around the Klamath, but more so out at silver and summer lake. We know one of the ranchers there who had property bordering the refuge. That old rancher had a great sense of humor, must have, my dang little brother was dating both of his daughters. Guess that explains why we quit stopping by the house.
Great country down in lake and Klamath counties, I envy you living down there.