My new omega powder trickler!


Mar 7, 2012
Okay I admit I'm a gadget man. I figured as long as I had a scale that would measure .02 grains I should get a trickler that's capable of dropping one kernel at a time. For those of you who haven't seen one this is the Omega little Dandy trickler. The control box has a two-speed discharge the red button is faster and the yellow is slower.
The little yellow thing on the discharge tube is actually a weight that you can slide up and down the tube that fine-tunes the vibrations for different kinds of powder. I gotta admit it slowed me down just a little bit but it's kind of fun ....almost like playing a video game. If you're interested you can Google Omega powder trickler and I'm sure you'll come up with their website they have a couple of pretty neat ideas besides this one.

So how do you like the bald eagle powder scale and how accurate is it? The powder trickle is neat .
I like the scale but it's not infallible. It very much likes a good warm-up and occasional recalibration. I tend to decide to do some reloading without giving it a proper warm-up sometimes. If I put the pan down empty and it reads anything but 0 it's time to re-tare. After a while with the trickler you start to know how much every kernal of powder weighs. On low speed you can watch them come off the tube one by one and can sort of count your way up to your charge. On the average most kernal Powder weigh .02 grains per kernal. Every now and then I go back and dump a case that back into the pan to see how it measures up and quite often it's just a tiny hair-lite.... but the reason there's a lot of times a kernel hangs up inside the primer.... so I can be like a dog chasing his tail! I've got about 3 hours total time with both the scale and the new trickler and I'm still learning a little bit.
The really crazy anal people that use these scales will often set up a chargemaster auto dispenser a tenth of a grain light and then pull it over and put it on the scale and then just add a couple kernels to top it off exactly. Most Auto dispensers are guaranteed to be only .10 grain plus or minus in accuracy. A couple weeks ago I was at the range with a four shot recipe and every one registered exactly the same speed on the Chrono.... I'm sure there was a ton of luck involved in that one.....and.... to add a little humor the group was only average in accuracy at!