Nate's First Deer


Sep 28, 2006
My son got his first deer about 7:30 this morning. He was shooting my Remington 7mm-08 with 120 grain ballistic tips. He was proud of himself and Dad was, too!

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here.

Congratulations to the both of you! Your son did GREAT! :lol:

Hooray for your son. :grin: It's quite a bit bigger than my first deer. I still have vivid memories of my deer when I was 13 I'm 60 now.
Great job :grin: Congrats!!! :grin:
Good Hunting
Deerhunt :)
Congrats to you both !! Your Son did a great job......!!

Rack another one up for the ole 7-08
Great job! and I know how both of you feel! My son got his first last week, and I can remeber it better than my first Elk! I enjoyed it more also!
Congratulations Nate on a great deer. :grin:
There is nothing I mean nothing like these kinds of memories. Congrats on a great shot.
Thanks for the friendly replies. He'll have fun telling his story next weekend at the Boy Scout shotgun weekend. Twice a year we campout and shoot .22s and clay birds. It's always a good time.