National Ordnance 03A3 ?


Apr 18, 2009
Have one hanging on the wall at home as part of a tribute to my Grandfather, a WWI doughboy.
It's been around the house since the late 60s/early 70s and I've never shot it.
From what I can gather Nat'l Ordnance built their own recievers in the 50s and 60s then finished the rifles out with USGI mil spec parts?
Have read conflicting stories/points of view as to the safety of these recievers?
Trying to figure out if I can safely shoot this rifle or do I spend $800 buying another GI issue rifle?

Any Mil-Surp afficiandos here ?

Thanks in Advance,
I can't answer your question, as I'm not qualified to and know next to nothing about the 1903, but I will just say that my Dad carried a 1903 in WWII in the PTO.

I shot my first one last week. An older friend, collector, and shooter brought one to the Range. I liked the rifle and now want one. I'd like to take a deer with one as a tribute to my old man.
Same here Howard, I know next to nothing about them, other than they were a favorite of the Old Breed of Marines, because of their accuracy and reliability. I think it would be slick to clean it up, dust it off and get some rounds down range with it, if you could. Might be a ton of fun.
There is a cutoff period on the serial numbers indicating the different receivers. I believe it's in the 800,000 area but there should be info available on the springfield Rifle collectors site that will enable you to find out.
Check out the CMP forum. Lots of good guys on there that could help on forum. Not familiar with National Ordnance. I know Remington and Smith-C made 1903a3's
You can do a search on line for the Low/high number issue. There are some great articles. I own a low number rifle. Never really gave it much thought, they were all proofed, and the failure rate was like 4 or 5 per hundred thousand vrs. 2 or 3 for the high numbered rifles. I don't load it hot, just slightly below factory spec's. Spend some time on line, lots of good info there !!!
National Ordinance was a knock off of the Springfield -03 A3 made in Yugoslavia with an investment casting for an action. Poor quality (casting and machining) knockoff of a Springfield 03-A3
I'm with OT3 on this. I had a National Ordnace 03A3 and it was pure junk. Not very accurate and the trigger was, to be kind, atrocious. Got rid of it in a hurry.
Paul B.