Nevada big game draw posted


Congratulations on the draw. What are you hunting?


What will you be hunting in Nevada? Congratulations on the draw, and trust you have success in your hunt.
oh yeah mule deer area 5 like I said our last choice but we only had 2 points and my uncle has had some success there over the years plus it is fairly close to home for out of state.
Congratulations on on your draw. Its alwas great to actually start planning a hunt rather than planning to hunt. I have one tag and am in for a couple of others and have to wait another month.

I'm new to NV and I'd like to pick your brain someday regarding good hunting areas. So far, I've only scouted the southern portion of the state. I've heard the northern portion is the place to go.

Congrats on the tag. I applied and nothing (NV and AZ).
I only apply for the northern areas as I know them or know someone who can help me as my uncle lives in Elko.

Best I can tell you is to study the kill ratios and zones and se what you come up with. I am not going to tell you where to apply for as they all have perks.

The one thing I will tell you is do not be afraid to apply for an area you want to hunt even if there are only a couple tags. The way the draw works is they draw teh hunter not the zone so when they get to your name they go down your list of choices till they get to a choice with tags left or you run out of choices. We drew our fifth and last choice this year

One thing about Nevada is I think it has the most fair draw system going no points or 10 points you still have a chance and yes you have to leave your money in to get the point but Idaho makes you pay big bucks just for a chance!
"they draw the hunter, not the zone"

Thanks! That's great info.

I only know AZ and they draw the Unit(s).

Best of luck on your hunt and keep us posted. Thanks again,