Nevada Draw result


Apr 16, 2007
Nevada Draw result are in...............I got No deer, No elk, Nothing

I hate this state :x :x
Man, I was all set to congratulate you on the strength of the heading. Bummer. Are you able to hunt in other states, Randy?
Randy sorry for the no luck. Hope you can get out somewhere else. Scotty
Nothing for me either now I was almost counting on a antelope tag.

Lil Bro pulled a ML Elk tag near ELY

back to the drawing board
You almost make me feel bad especially the part about "no nothing". : :

There will be some over the counter elk tags available in Wyoming during their second draw. ! :grin: Not a long ways. Some really good cow areas if you just want to hunt.
Nevada draw is late enough once I get the results it's too late to put in somewhere else.

The problem is I don't know the territory of states that have otc tags so I'd just be wondering around.
I can't get a lot of time off to do a scouting trip.
There still small game and upland birds to keep me occupied.
I'm just a meat hunter so it doesn't matter to me if it's a cow or bull or buck or doe.
I just like to fill the freezer with some tasty critters.

Wish your Little brother "good Luck" from me
You can always go over the counter in Idaho. Just head North. Living in California kind of requires a backup plan if I actually want to hunt somewhere where I might actually see a deer. There are some great spots but lots and lots of hunters in the unlimited tag areas. Idaho has some great mule deer and whitetail.
velvetant writes
The problem is I don't know the territory of states that have otc tags so I'd just be wondering around.

One can scout from your chair and telephone heres an example. In
2010 I hunted northern Wyoming, never had been in the unit, arrived a few days early, killed a bull on the 5th day.
2009 I hunted south eastern Idaho, never had been there, arrived the day befrore the season killed a cow 2nd day.
2008 I hunted North Central Idaho, never been there, arrived couple of days early, killed a bull on the 1st and 5th days. (In Idaho you can legally kill two elk under certain circumstances)
I have been to Wyoming three times never in the same unit and was successful all three times.

Wyoming sells its remaining tags for Elk, Deer and Antelope on July 6th, for cow elk on July 20th. There are many units that "may" have lots of private land but also many with mostly public. Dig through the regs, look at the statistics, see if you can figure out which units may offer tags ahead of time. Google earth and the regs, and the phone are wonderful scouting tools. If I am around I can help, however this is a very busy time for me and I cannot guarentee my availabilty, I just got back from 16 days out and will probably go again soon.
