new brass-just primer,powder,and seat the lead?


Jul 28, 2007
I used all my factory rounds on paper and one decent three pointer I found laying under a junipter on the side of a hill in eastern Oregon.
I got IMR4831,CCL large rifle primers,and 225 gr.AB. Do I need to resize my new winchester brass or skip that and start with the primer?
Set the brass in a loading tray and look at the case mouths, if some are dented or out of shape, neck size them to straighten them. If you normally deburr the flash hole and uniform the primer pockets do so now. I am assuming this is new unfired brass. Some loaders like to FL size new brass but I don't see the need for that.Rick.
I run the new brass over the expander ball to true the neck....then I chamfer the inside of the case mouth and outside and start loading. The last batch of new federal I did this to had unbelievable runnout by doing only that....I have confidence that with almost all new brass every thing about the case is ready to go except the case mouth.
I agree with the others. I always run my brass through the sizing die to clean up the case mouths. I chamfer the case and square up the primer pocket and start loading.
