New Die


May 26, 2012
I've never neck sized but today I picked up an RCBS neck sizing die.
What's the advantages of this die? I already have a full length resizing die.


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It will extend case life, Vince, and avoid overworking the brass. You will still need to set back the shoulder occasionally.
Yes and that all depends on the chamber of your rifle. I have a couple rifles that must be full length sized every time. All auto loaders and pumps need to be full length sized every time to prevent extraction issues.

I love neck sizing less mess and easier on equipment.
Vince, I don't know if your neck-sizer die is like this, but most of mine have bushings which can be changed out - so I can vary the amount of neck tension, or accommodate different thicknesses of brass.

Also, and I really like this, there is NO EXPANDER BALL to contend with. (y)

I just squeeze the neck back down to whatever size I wish, and done. Nice. Don't need much lube either, since the die is only contacting a very small portion of the case. I just wipe a tiny bit of lube on the case neck, nothing else.

Thank you.
I'm going to have a go. Oh, by the way, the die is for my 30-06.

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A fired case from your rifle fits that chamber perfectly, but it will not hold a bullet. This once fired is the most accurate brass you can use. After you neck size some brass carefully by hand drop it into the chamber and check to see if the bolt closes easy. If it dose your good to size the rest and reload them.

I partial size my 35 rem brass for my 336 lever and do not have to push the necks back for five reloadings. And trim the brass less because I am not flowing brass from working 100% of the case. I neck size my 221/223Rem brass with a Reddington type S match neck size die sets. They have Neck die, body bump die, and seating die. They have bushing to size the neck only as much as you need them and different brass can use differant bushings do to different neck thicknesses.