New Immigration news release!

"I am furious!"

I am more than furious. I'm totally frustrated that our illustrious Congress is just sitting on their corrupt dead asses and letting that communist piece of crap to continue destroying our country.
It's no use complaining to my commie Congressrat, the dishonorable Raul Grijalva whose fervent wish is every Hispanic illegal alien be made instant citizens yesterday. He almost lost the election the last time around so maybe we'll get lucky come the next one, the Good Lord awilling.
Paul B.
The Obama administration appears to be legislating, and doing so by fiat. The President has said that if Congress won't do his bidding, he will act--and he is doing so! Congress seems unwilling to say, "Enough!" The American people are ignorant of the Constitution and the constitutional scholar that occupies the Oval Office is prepared to trade on that ignorance to do as he wishes. It is a serious time for all Americans--indeed, for the entire world!
It's about time people stand up and vote. If the elected officials don't do what is right for the people and the country kick their asses out.

The anchor baby law needs to go as do all the illegals. Weather they have family here or not you have to do it legally or you get kicked out. Now would be a good time for a fence across the southern border.

My wife is Canadian and we had to jump through all the hoops just as anyone else should to become a legal resident. There is nothing like rewarding people for breaking the law.
Backdoor, Excutive Order in play,,,scary what else is to come via his Chicago style politics. But hopefully reality of it sets in to the undecided or Idependent voters whom will decide the outcome of this election. This is just another Obama Admin's, politic play for points.
I see this as one more nail the coffin, in his re-election hopes. Watchout for the Lame Duck Senate however,,, that scare me more. What they could do, would be disasterous to our sovereignty. Those very well could be a nail in America's coffin. Nearly impossible to recind as I understand it, the pending treaties. Whereas this new policy is just that, nothing that can't be dealt with in Jan.
This is what you get when you elect Barry the Choom as President! We have a chance to rectify this coming up soon. Although in Washington, we vote by Absentee Ballot and the foxes in the chicken house count the votes. Senator "Abortion" (Patty Murray) was losing by 400,000 votes two years ago with 70% of the vote counted. Then Barry the Choom Obama came to Seattle and she won the election! How did she do that?
Desperate means for a desperate President trying everything possible to get re-elected; whether it's good for America, or not.

The only reason President Obama is doing this qustionable act, is to garner votes and boost his popularity. The question American's need to ask themselves is this........Is it okay to stop enforcing laws of our nation, just because a President doesn't like them any more? I think not...
"Is it okay to stop enforcing laws of our nation, just because a President doesn't like them any more? I think not..."

I agree, and if the DOJ was doing his job, he would be advising the POTUS against such over reaching of power.
The Attorney General is complicit in this chicanery and is part of the act! However, Congress again was lied too by the Attorney General, who largely refused to answer questions for the Senate this past week about his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious and is in the process of being charged with Contempt of Congress. Hopefully, he will be convicted and removed from office and this posing to be lawmakers will cease at least for the Attorney General. Barry the Choom will not stop until he is deported back to Kenya, where he was born.

I only hope that the Marines on this site will not start arresting the millions of American patriots who Barry the Choom accuses of Treason when he makes his move to be King Barrack I of the United States. Barry the Choom will have to kill an estimated 40 million of us to subjugate the rest of us, if China is any indication! Just basing these kill numbers on Mao and Stalin. Maybe not so many now, due to so many in this country already believing the socialist mantra!
What is going on, with both POTUS, and DOJ-AG, is far worse than what Former President G.W.Bush went through with Gonzales, or even as far back as Watergate, (not defending either here). Yet with those, the DFL was screaming. More double standards at play, if not out right corruption..