New rule!!!


Dec 2, 2010
Well I have a new rule that I never had to worry about. Now that I have some loads that work, I will always have 500 primers, 200 bullets and over a pound of powder for each load. I am there right now except for .223 powder. I need to find some and when I do, I am getting a few cans. I know buying 1# cans means mixing lots but I do not have the funds or space to have 8# kegs right now. I do not want to have to go through this scramble again. I do not shoot a ton so keeping more than a pound and 500 primers around will allow me to have some breathing room.
I also have a similar rule that I will need to implement except I need at least 8 pounds of powder and 1000 bullets for .308 Win. Then I need 5 pounds and 500 bullets for the .300 Win Mag, and an insane amount of powder and bullets for .223.

Now if only I could find it locally.
I switched all my rifle loading to either IMR 4064 or IMR 4350. I can load anything I have with one of those and find a good load. That frees me up to keep 8# of each
Same here as soon as I open a new LB can of powder I buy a new pound.This for 308 size and smaller cases. And around 700 for LRP's and 1000 for SRP's.
I like to buy enough of a proven bullet for each rifle to wear a barrel out, then buy a matching number of primers...then I calculate how much powder I'll need and lay in enough brass to get it all done. I think of that as a "balanced approach." Of course, I have to make up my mind about each rifle that comes my way. The only questionable rifle in my safe is my 6-284 and I figure I am going to have it rebarreled pretty soon. It has taken a long time to find and prove all of them. Handguns are a little easier. I shoot cast bullets so I still have a ton of work ahead of me, but I have all the casting metal I'll ever need. I hope I can accomplish all my goals and still do some hunting in the meantime!
WT, I did the same a little while back and starting buying powder in 5lb containers (Alliant). It has made my life so much easier. Once they start to get below half, I start searching for another jug.
My stock is a bit behind my normal with everything going on. And my shooting rate is lower also on every gun. But for years, I figured or estimated my yearly shooting rate on everything which was quite a bit, and moreso with the targeters, and varminters. I keep that volume on hand, with the crack it/buy it plan. That kept me fairly ahead of my normal shooting. But I won't be gouged now either. Buy what what one can when available and reasonably priced, as we won't see a normal for awhile I'm thinking. It took close to a year the last time with some components iirc. Oh, and on the lot variation,,,I only really concerned that more with the higher volume extreme accuracy concerned long rangers. I can't say I saw any real alarming variations in the rest. For the most part, nothing a few quick confirmation rounds and few clicks wouldn't handle.
Some state, county and city regulations control how much powder we can have onhand. Locally, if I have a powder-magazine (sold by Cabelas) on my property, I can exceed the 5# rule.
Yes! Once you've identified which components you go through regularly, it really helps to maintain a good supply of them.

That's why I have such a pile of .30 cal Nosler target bullets, .308 brass, large rifle match primers and a fresh 8 lb jug of Varget on hand - because mostly I shoot my .308 Win. Also made sense to have some hunting bullets (Partitions & Ballistic Tips) of similar weight on hand too.

A good stash of .22 rimfire ammo will keep you shooting despite the various shortages. Inexpensive too.

Buying largish batches of the right kind of bullet when they go on sale helps too. I rarely buy fewer than 250 of any kind of bullet, and often 1,000 - 1,500 or more, once I've determined that it's a bullet I will be using regularly.

Yup WT, I think you're making the transition to shooting and loading larger quantities of ammo! Makes a fellow think of logisitcs instead of just "hey, this could be a cool load!"

Regards, Guy
"Yup WT, I think you're making the transition to shooting and loading larger quantities of ammo! Makes a fellow think of logisitcs instead of just "hey, this could be a cool load!""

Kodiak":3ow3bvox said:
Some state, county and city regulations control how much powder we can have onhand. Locally, if I have a powder-magazine (sold by Cabelas) on my property, I can exceed the 5# rule.

Can't say I have run into that, in places I been over the past. How do they monitor that? Are the laws set to record sales, but then how do they know your usage rate without a search warrent? Just curious.
My new rule is that when a Demomcrap is President, I need at least year's minmum supply of primers, cases, bullets and powder at all times. When a Republican is President, I can buy it as I need it!
Oldtrader3":2ra5mjqg said:
My new rule is that when a Demomcrap is President, I need at least year's minmum supply of primers, cases, bullets and powder at all times. When a Republican is President, I can buy it as I need it!

Ain't that the sad truth, no matter the volume/usage rate.
Oldtrader3":3spbgca2 said:
My new rule is that when a Demomcrap is President, I need at least year's minmum supply of primers, cases, bullets and powder at all times. When a Republican is President, I can buy it as I need it!

Good thinking, Charlie.
onesonek":3irb41uq said:
Kodiak":3irb41uq said:
Some state, county and city regulations control how much powder we can have onhand. Locally, if I have a powder-magazine (sold by Cabelas) on my property, I can exceed the 5# rule.

Can't say I have run into that, in places I been over the past. How do they monitor that? Are the laws set to record sales, but then how do they know your usage rate without a search warrent? Just curious.

Locally, the fire dept. has the duty to record fires that involve gun powders. There isn't any way that any agency knows how much I have onhand or have used, as long as I buy less than 50#, (50# becomes a sale record at the shop) at any one time. So, I can buy 49#, if I so wish.