New semi-custom rem 700 25-06!!!


Nov 17, 2005
I just picked up my new 25-06 Rem. Its a rem 700 action, 24" shilen bbl, seems to be heavier then a sporter contour, and I'm not sure what stock it has, it is synthetic, but I like it and it seems to fit me perfectly. Trigger needs to be reworked down to around 2lbs so I"ll be doing that before I put any rounds through it. It came with Leupold 1 pc base and rings, and also an older Vari x2, 4-12 AO scope. I picked it up for what I thought was a steal of a deal at $650. I hope it shoots as good or better then my old 25-06 which was a winny model 70 sporter that I traded off a few months ago. I needed another 25-06 and couldn't pass this one up. I have a few of my 75g vmax w/IMR-4831 that shot great in my Winny, so will go ahead and shoot a few of them to see how they shoot out of this Rem, then its time to go slay some yotes!!! Well here it is.

That is NICE.
I would like to know who made the stock. I like the high cheek piece.
How do you like your gun care "thing a ma jiggy"?
I have been thinking of getting one for better organization.
Does it hold the gun well?
Nice find Remmy. Let us know how she shoots.

Like I said, I have no idea who the stock is made by. I took the stock off tonight to try and work the trigger, but I think the previous guy loc-tite the screws and I cant get them broke free. Looks like I'll be going to the gunsmith. Dang it anyways. There is nothing on the stock saying who its made by or anything. I really like the high cheek piece as well, it puts your eye alignment right there, no lifting your head at all, I love it. The gun holder thinga ma jiggy is just a cheap MTM product. I dont use it for sighting in or anything, usually just to mount scopes, and or for cleaning the barrel and what not. Its got a little room and a few organizers for whatever. It holds the gun ok I guess.
The stock profile looks like a Bell & Carlson to me. Is there any castoff in the buttstock?

As for the cradle, I have a similar one from MTM and like it. It has some limitations, but everything is a compromise of some sort. Stocks with wide cheek pieces (like Weatherby stocks) don't fit as well in the cradle, but that hasn't impeded me from sitting them in it for cleaning and scope mounting and such. You just have to be a bit more careful, which is no problem. For the $25 or so, I like that it is light weight enough to put up on a shelf and grab when I need it. I'd always wanted one of those gun vises that are made by Tipton, but they're twice the price, and I don't know if they'd be worth it. I like the MTM.
Rem 25-06
Did you pick that up at BI-Mart.
I was looking to do the same thing, cleaning, store scope rings, bases, screws ect.

You could try heating the screws with a propane torch to loosen the grip of the lock-tite. I would take the trigger off the action before heating. You don't have to get it very hot. Not even close to red!
Anyone know if I can call Remington and see when this action was made?? Its got a relatively low serial number, and the safety is like none I've ever seen on a Remington. Its more of a square. Anyways, the serial number is only 5 digits long, with no letters in front of the numbers. It just says 13373. All my other Remingtons have about 7 numbers with a letter in front of them...
My M700 has a 5 digit serial but starts with a 5 and no letters. Can you give as a better picture of the safety its could be from the early to mid 60s.
Rem25-06, I know your rifle is a model 700 but as far as the safety I did see a rectangular shaped one on an old model 721 this week.
I have a 7mag & .17 that do not have the letter in from of them.. the 7 is 7 #'s but the last two are 00.
My M700 has the rectangular shaped safety but the low serial # it sounds like it shoud be a M721.
I can not wait for a range report (at 500-600 yards) on this one. :lol: :lol:
The stock is a McMillian stock not a B&C, I have a McMillian stock just like it on my 300Wby custom.
Well I took it to the range the other night and got it on paper and tested 2 loads that I had already loaded for my old 25-06 and my dads 25-06. I borrowed 3 of my dads 75g vmax which were 57g IMR-4350, andthen I sighted it in with my 75's with 59g IMR-4831 and also shot 2 groups with them. It didn't seem to like the IMR-4831 load much, giving me 1 1/4" 3 shot groups at 100 yards. It did however seem to like my dads load giving me a .4" 3 shot group with the IMR-4350. Didn't chrono, but they were giving 3715fps w/4350 and 3775fps w/4831 out of the other 25's, so hopefully its relatively close to that. Definately need to work the trigger as its 4.5#, horrible. I cant break the screws loose to work on it, so I might order a timney in a month or two for it. I also cant seem to break the ring screws loose either. I want to change scopes and my put 6-18 leupold on here but I"ll be damned if the guy didn't loc tite the ring screws.

I'm not sure if this is a McMillan stock. It sounds kinda hollow. Doesn't feel like a $350-400 stock anyways.

The barrel is .710" or so at the muzzle, so definately a tad heavier then sporter contours which are usually .650"

POP- I"m not gonna be doing any LR testing for at least a couple months. Wait for it to cool down and try a few 100g or 115g NBT Btips. I dont usually shoot these 75's much past 300-400 yards. I"m just using these to shoot them up so I dont have bullets laying around. I'm thinking bout trying some 115g VLD's in it as well, so we'll see..Bullets sure are getting spendy these days so I better just shoot what I got first.

Well here is a pic of the safety...


And the action...
