New toy Rem 700 VLS 22-250 AI


May 19, 2007
I just picked up a 22-250 AI online in trade for my 44 Henry big boy. I hated to see the Henry go, but my Ruger SBH has pretty much stole it's thunder. It had only been fired twice this year and last year it went thro 300 rounds.
So, I got it in the mail a few days ago and mounted my older B&L 4000 6-24 on it. It is a great shooting little gun, the only issue i've got with it is the dies that came with it were machined out of a set of lee pistol dies and if i am not mistaken have been made with a chamber reamer not a resize reamer. They don't push the shoulder back far enough to close the bolt. However, somebody had a set of dies somewhere down the line because I got about a box of sized AI brass that does chamber. I ordered the dies and still think the deal was pretty fair. I am fairly certain the guy I got it from never even tried those dies, he doesn't own many guns for long.

I will post pics and a range report later, judging by the schedule, quite a bit later.

Funny thing with Canadian gun control. I can mail a gun to another licensed person thro the mail as long as it is locked or has the action zip tied open and it's signature required at the other end.

The other thing is we need a 24 hour authorization to transport a newly purchased restricted firearm home. The restricteds are AR's and handguns mostly. Then you need a 5 yr Authorization to Transport that is on file with your permit to go to and from the range.

I find it odd, considering what you guys in the US have to deal with.


Congratulations on the 22-250 AI. Should be a fun one to play with.
