Nice score tonight!!


May 13, 2020
I had to take my son to Academy this afternoon to go ahead and get some new baseball pants and cleats for this spring, the boy is growing like a weed!! Naturally, I slide over to the ammo / hunting section before we leave. Lo and behold I see multiple packs of 100 Winchester large rifle primers on the shelf. I grabbed a handful and asked the sales associate what the purchase limit was. No purchase limit! I grabbed 10 packs of 100 primers all of the same lot for $8.99 a pack. Basically got a brick of primers for $90 which seems to be quite a bit cheaper than they are selling for right now. First time I have seen WLR primers on the shelf anywhere since 2020 pre-covid. I was pretty stoked!!
Glad you found some.

Ive been finding primers in stock at my local Academy in SC as well. While I didn't need any LRP's I did pick up some Winchester Magnum primers that I ran across

Hopefully, primers will become readily available again rather than one of those "would you look at what I found" moments.
Been seeing them more regularly here but the $89.99 a brick still turns me off as it’s $95 out the door with tax.

Preferably a $69 price will entice me much more as that $75 out the door or roughly twice pre-Covid prices. Seems double old price is the new norm for most everything from food to you name it.

Figure leaving primers on the shelf will help move prices down a little more if more guys “Just say No” …. That said I m not on my last 300-400 primers as I planned ahead when this fiasco started!

Hang in there fellas!
I saw LR Magnum bricks for $89 on line several times over the last few weeks. It’s honestly cheaper for me to order several bricks on line and pay the fees than it is for me to drive my truck around looking for primers. I live extra rural so it’s 100 miles to the closest Cabela’s.
My local Fleet Farm has had Fed 210M and 215M on the shelf for months. Local powder supply os light at best , now Sportsman Warehouse raised their prices 5-10 dollars a pound.
I saw LR Magnum bricks for $89 on line several times over the last few weeks. It’s honestly cheaper for me to order several bricks on line and pay the fees than it is for me to drive my truck around looking for primers. I live extra rural so it’s 100 miles to the closest Cabela’s.

If you'll pay attention to some of the "reloading supply websites" you can catch "no hazmat fee" from time to time. That only leaves standard shipping fee. That's the time to buy powder and primers.
Been seeing them more regularly here but the $89.99 a brick still turns me off as it’s $95 out the door with tax.

Preferably a $69 price will entice me much more as that $75 out the door or roughly twice pre-Covid prices. Seems double old price is the new norm for most everything from food to you name it.

Figure leaving primers on the shelf will help move prices down a little more if more guys “Just say No” …. That said I m not on my last 300-400 primers as I planned ahead when this fiasco started!

Hang in there fellas!

Im right there with ya.

I started buying primers during Trump's first admin. I laid back thousands. Glad I did as well.

These "shortages", come about every now and again, so it's always wise to "plan" for the next one, because there's always a next one.
Hopefully we will start seeing lower prices on powder and primers.

Won't happen. Not as a rule.
Sure you will come across a sale here or there or promotion from a mail order house now and then but you won't see a drop in pricing as a rule.

The overhead of raw materials, wages, transportation, etc simply make that impossible.

Supply and demand will ultimately drive the market but given that there are only so many players...that limits that as well.

Example....Fiocchi will be sending out primers by the container load before long.
What's that mean?
If they're any good it will mean people start buying them to save $20 per 1000...
Fiocchi packages by the 1500...

So people start buying up Fiocchi for $20 less per 1k primers thus the big 4 drop $10 per 1k and Fiocchi then increases by $10 per 1k.

What do we get?
Everyone right around the same price of $80-90 per 1k primers.

Mark my words....
That's the best you'll see come from any of this.

I wish I could say they'll be $50 again and everyone is happy but I still have contacts deep in the industry from when I was employed with them...
Unfortunately that just won't happen.
Im right there with ya.

I started buying primers during Trump's first admin. I laid back thousands. Glad I did as well.

These "shortages", come about every now and again, so it's always wise to "plan" for the next one, because there's always a next one.
I bought 40,000 in the 90's when they were 1.5 cents each because the price was supposed to go up, and it did. I wish I bought 100k.
I remember in the 80 s having to go to the Marina in Heyburn to buy some CCI250 s that I located and the price was quite excessive …. $10 a K !!

That was unbelievable as in the late 60 s I could get them for 70-80 cents per hundred; inflation .. 😂1739679015545.png
I remember in the 80 s having to go to the Marina in Heyburn to buy some CCI250 s that I located and the price was quite excessive …. $10 a K !!

That was unbelievable as in the late 60 s I could get them for 70-80 cents per hundred; inflation .. 😂View attachment 25284
Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end.
I have a few hundred LR primers at this price.



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all the primer pricing complaints makes me shake my head though...

perhaps I'm from a different mold...I don't hand load for cost savings. I simply do it making my own ammo. I can do it better for my application than any factory can.


I will play along with the cost theme a sec...
to me it's all relative. One way or the other this is all relative. I look at things from this perspective.
No matter how expensive primers are, it's all reflected in factory loaded ammo. The question is paying whatever the amount for primers can you still do it cheaper than factory loaded?
Of course you can.
That said the more premium the bullet the more you can save.
Some examples would be if you could find some stand alone bullets of remington core-lokt bullets they'd be cheap. Cheap compared to let's say Nosler.
Remington factory loaded of the very same bullet is inexpensive as factory ammo goes.
You can do it cheaper but not a great deal.

That said most hand loaders are NOT loading core-lokt bullets. So that might be irrelevant but the fact remains the cheaper the components the less you save.

Load up some 300 mag's with Noslers and compare them to whatever premium ammo using the same.
Winchester Supreme? Fed Prem? Weatherby...

You can load them yourself significantly cheaper let alone the other positives of making your own ammo.

What's the alternative?

Give up the hobby and no longer shoot?
Speak for yourself on that but I will keep on keeping on.....


Even something massively produced like 5.56 ammo I can load that for almost half the price.
The exception being PMC. I can load it cheaper but it's about 40 percent cheaper vs. 50 percent like Win, Fed

The only ammo I WILL NOT LOAD is pistol. 44 mag revolver...yes.
Stuff for my 1911's and 40, 380, etc...
No way.
The tiny savings isn't worth my time and with pistols I am trying to achieve a defensive accuracy and any factory offering gives me that no problem.