Nikon Monarch 5 or Vortex Diamond back


Sep 10, 2006
OK - Ive been avoiding (for lack of funds) buying a pair of 10x42 Vortex Diamond backs. So today when Im killing time in Cabela's the sales guy says, Theres a rebate deal that will get you the Nikons for about 20 bucks more. Now my old eyes cannot really make out a difference in the store. The Nikon usually list for about $100 more than the Vortex. Worth it ? Pros/ Cons either way? Thanks CL
It's hard to argue with vortex warranty. I have a pair of both nikon and vortex binos. I picked up an older pair of razor hd 10x42 and have been very impressed with them.
I wear glasses and the Monarch5 give me a full field of view with eye cups turned down. They are very nice glass. I have no experience with Vortex.. Good luck.
I would get the Nikon's hands down. I bought a set of Nikon Monarch ATB's in 8X40 back in 1998 and the optical quality is simply amazing. If they were not exceptional I would not still carry them after all these years. I can't see why the newer Monarch's wouldn't be as good as my old one. I do know that the higher the number, Monarch 5, Monarch 7 etc. the better the binocular and the higher the cost. Mine were made before they started doing this rating so perhaps the single model was perhaps higher quality.
Now the scopes. Well I can't really say as I've never used one.
Can't say about the Vortex either for the same reason.
Well, blew that deal. Could have saved $40 on the Vortex or $120 on the Nikon's. Pending bills and Christmas got the better of me. Rebates and deals have expired so I guess I don't have to answer that question. Blessed with a conscience I guess, but dumb as a post. Thanks for the opinions fellas. CL
Well - Finally after many years of avoiding, debate and procrastination I came home with a pair of binoculars. I had my mind set on Vortex Diamondbacks, However, when I got to Cabelas with my $40 dollar off coupon, Looked through a pair of Pro staff 7's. External lens surfaces are mutil coated and they have BK 4 Prisms.
I spent the next 3 hours, going back and forth between them, looking at everything in the store I could find (did you know that Cape buffalo only have eye lashes on part of the eye lid :lol: ???) Then the sales guy ( who is also an acquaintance from the gun club-(can you ever really call the sales guy at Cabelas a friend???)) took me outside and we looked some more. Long story short...I wanted the Vortex for the unconditional guarantee, However, The Nikons were just a little clearer, brighter or at least seemed more accurate in color, and easier to focus. The Nikons have a larger focus knob, and seem to have more room for fine adjustment. (They are longer) and in the end that precise focus sold me. It was a small diference and yet....
Now all you guys with Wundershcmit, and Zillionsbills glass need not reply :) ( unless you want to ) but would you have gone for the unconditional guarantee and the diamond backs, given that theses will ride in the car a lot etc. ( an environment known to ruin many an optic)? Trying to justify a purchase I really cant afford I guess (d@mned discount) :oops: Thanks CL

BTW - The CAPS ARE JUNK! For $200 I expected something that works , at least.
There is a reason these stores offer a discount, Troy. Sounds as if you got something that will serve you well. I don't think you'll be displeased with the Nikon glass. It is pretty good glass. Don't think I'd feel cheated with a pair of Nikons.
DrMike":1m8xfykl said:
There is a reason these stores offer a discount, Troy. Sounds as if you got something that will serve you well. I don't think you'll be displeased with the Nikon glass. It is pretty good glass. Don't think I'd feel cheated with a pair of Nikons.

Yup_ and I tend to look for those discounts inspire of that. Its often a good thing. Actually I am pretty happy with them so far. CL