No Lead Bullets


Oct 30, 2004
It has been determined that California Condors are getting lead poisoning from eating gut piles and the lead bullets that may be in the gut piles. The California Condor was nearly extinct and their numbers have increased through a captive breeding program and the release of the birds after they are mature enough.

As a result of this, lead bullets are likely to be banned in at least condor habitat, if not completely in California. I've also heard reports of other bird species suffering lead poisoning such as eagles.

Is Nosler looking at manufacturing non-lead bullets? We Californians may be forced to use the Barnes bullets in the not too distant future.
I suspect the biggest reason we arent seeing solid copper bullets may have to do with patent 's by Barnes and a few others currently have the solid copper bullet limited as to what other bullet manufacturers can do. I could be wrong, but it surely is playing a role.

It also seems to me that bullets of any fashion, with great penetrating abillity would be desirable with a significantly higher number of them not remaining in the animal. It also seems logical that one might restrict lead bullets only in "Condor Country".

Of course, if one does not vote Republican then any chances of a "logical solution" are out the window as many of CA liberal elected officals seem hell bent on destroying our great state. When we elect idiots like Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi, that speaks volumes as to our stupidity.
The case of a condor possibly eating some lead from a gut pile was
buckshot which is already illegal in California. Sounds like more laws
that won't work added to others that aren't or can't be inforced.
Remember, logic is never part of the equation when laws are passed in the Republic of Kalifornia. Our lunatic fringe, bleeding heart liberals legislate with emotions, and knee jerk reaction. Lead bullets are probably on their way out. I was just wondering if Nosler was looking at non-lead bullets.
I agree Val, but I also hope Nosler get's into the solid copper bullet process. I suspect over time, it will be a requirement. I hope not, but then, the x bullet is performing well, were I Nosler, that alone would get my research going, and I suspect it already has.
There is a push for lead free, but the statistics are concrete enough for the industry to go lead free yet. We are aware of the push though and can act if needed.
Trying to take our guns has not worked. Now they try to take the ammunition.

This lead ban has been tried before here in California. Always under the guise of the environment or the children.

I cast for personal use.

This is a wrong headed policy and it has precious little to do with endangered species, save for a petard upon which to hoist a rally cry.

No guns. Neat and tidy.


Remember...all the liberals elites in government either pack or have armed guards. Just get deputized by the U.S. Marshall's service and they are legal to carry. Pathetic......