Renewed push to ban all lead bullets

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Copied from another web site, if you read this, it's NOT just about California, but the nation:

As California Considers Bill to Ban Lead Hunting Ammunition,
National Poll Finds Most Americans Support Switch to Nontoxic Bullets

Rendon Bill Aimed at Protecting Wildlife, Humans From Needless Lead Poisoning

SACRAMENTO, Calif.— As the California legislature begins considering Assembly Member Anthony Rendon’s bill mandating use of nonlead ammunition for all hunting in California, a new national poll has found that 57 percent of Americans support requiring the use of nontoxic bullets for hunting. The poll, commissioned by the Center for Biological Diversity, also found that more Americans support a ban on lead ammunition than oppose it and that a majority of voters think Republicans in Congress should work with Democrats to ban lead in ammunition.

“Lead poisoning from ammunition exacts a deadly toll on wildlife, killing bald eagles, endangered California condors, swans, loons and millions of other birds each year. It’s heartening to see that most Americans agree there’s no reason to continue putting toxic lead into the food chain or risking human health when there are nontoxic bullets already on the market and in use by hunters,” said Jeff Miller, conservation advocate at the Center. “We applaud Assembly Member Rendon’s leadership on this critical environmental and public-health issue.”

The national poll of 657 registered voters was conducted last month by Public Policy Polling. The margin of error is +-3.85 percent. Among the results:

• 57 percent support mandating a switch from lead bullets to nontoxic alternatives for hunting, while only 27 percent oppose such a switch;
• 48 percent think lead should be banned from hunting ammunition, while 33 percent oppose a ban;
• 51 percent say Republicans in Congress should work with Democrats to ban lead in ammunition, whereas only 33 percent want Republicans to oppose these efforts

This week Rendon’s Assembly Bill 711 is likely to be amended and referred to the Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife. The text of the bill should be available Tuesday. Coauthors include Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), President pro tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento), Assembly Member Paul Fong (D-Cupertino) and Assembly Member Bob Blumenfield (D-San Fernando Valley).

“We’ve reduced toxic lead in our air, water and food by banning lead from gasoline, plumbing, paint, ceramic eating utensils, toys, jewelry and imported candy,” said Miller. “It’s way past time to do the same for our wildlife and people who eat wild game.”

The Center for Biological Diversity launched its Get the Lead Out campaign in 2004, organizing conservation groups, American Indians, hunters, health professionals and wildlife rehabilitators to pressure California and Arizona to require nonlead hunting ammunition to prevent lead poisoning of endangered condors. In 2007 and 2008 the California legislature and state game commission approved regulations requiring use of nonlead ammunition for all hunting within the condor’s range in central and Southern California. Arizona has refused to require nontoxic ammunition, despite frequent deaths of condors from lead poisoning. A coalition of 265 organizations in 40 states petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency for nationwide regulations ending the use of toxic lead hunting ammunition; they filed suit when the EPA refused to act.

California’s nonlead hunting regulations are limited in scope and have not solved continued lead poisonings of eagles and other wildlife throughout much of the state. However, the regulations demonstrate that hunters can easily transition to hunting with nontoxic bullets, as there has been no decrease in game tags or hunting since the requirements for nonlead ammunition went into effect, and hunters in Southern and Central California continue to hunt all their traditional game using copper bullets.

Time to stock up on E-Tips?
Like it or not, and regardless of how much faux science is produced, the greenies will ultimately prevail in demanding "lead-free" bullets, just as lead sinkers have been banned in waters. A duck, or an eagle, or a catfish, or a wolf, might ingest some lead, and that lead will kill them. An increasingly number of municipalities appear to be prevailing on banning gun ranges, using the fear of toxic metals leeching into the soil. Of course, I've always wondered where those toxic metals came from in the first place. I must be missing something.
Several years back I gave the Barnes TSX a try, after disappointing results from the standard Barnes X. The TSX proved to be a considerably better bullet for me and my rifles and I took a few mule deer with it. Eventually though, I happily returned to my good ol' Nosler Partitions & Ballistic Tips.

However, even then, there was talk about not only all of California, but all of the west coast banning lead bullets... So, I slipped away a few boxes of those TSX's in 6mm, .257" and .308" - just because it seemed like a good idea to keep some on hand, in case some rascals decided to make our traditional lead-core bullets illegal. Now I'm glad that I did - just in case.

Never did get any E-Tips, since I had a small stash of TSX's on hand, but maybe it's time to start shifting my hunting bullet inventory to E-Tips... Dang though, I have literally THOUSANDS of lead-core hunting bullets on hand from .204 - .375, plus thousands of handgun bullets that are cast lead. Dang.

It's a wonder I'm healthy at all with all that lead in the house! :mrgreen:

Candidly, the only certain death from lead as found in bullets occurs when applied at high velocities, especially to major organ systems. There has been scant evidence, though multiple suggestions, that death can occur from ingestion of bullets via the digestive system