Feb 6, 2022
Just picked up a new Tikka T3 in 6.5 PRC. Looking at ammo and I am curious about the 143 grain Norma Bondstrikes. Does anyone have any real world hunting experience with this bullet you can share? I like that they are a bonded bullet and the BC is very high at .629.
Buddy of mine in Montana is running them in is 300wsm. Elk season just opened so hopefully he’ll have a report soon. He found them more accurate than the loads he had worked up so far.
I would like to hear more as well, I have been really impressed with Norma over the years so I bet these are top notch too.
Just picked up a new Tikka T3 in 6.5 PRC. Looking at ammo and I am curious about the 143 grain Norma Bondstrikes. Does anyone have any real world hunting experience with this bullet you can share? I like that they are a bonded bullet and the BC is very high at .629.
I have taken 2 deer using 143 gr. 6.5mm Norma Bond Strike loaded to 2800 fps in my 6.5 Creedmoor. One was a decent (for where I live) ~ 165# 8 point shot through white throat patch as it was nearing end of legal shooting hours and it was what I could see - DRT no bullet recovered. Other was a doe about half that size also shot through neck (back of neck) walking away from me with same results. IDK if this information is of any use to you. Was not a finicky bullet to work a load up with at all.