Nosler 300 Win brass sonsistency problems...


Nov 17, 2005
This is from a well known and reputable gunsmith.

Just thought I would pass this along so maybe Nosler can look into the problem...And save some customers some headache...

I was working on a customers rifle that was having some issues chambering some new Nosler 300 Win Mag brass. Got to checking the dimensions on the cases he sent me with the rifle.

Of the 4 cases he sent me, the headspace on the cases varied by 10 thou!!!!!

Even worse, I got to checking the neck thickness on the Nosler cases, again, just four cases to check out. One case had neck thicknesses withing 1 thou all around the neck, certainly not great but acceptable from factory brass.

The next best had 4 thou variation on the neck thickness, the next, 6 thou and the worst, 7 thou variation. Now understand, this is not from one case to another, its the neck thickness from one side of the case neck to the other!!!!!

I do not believe I have ever seen brass this poor in quality from a major brass maker.

For all the touting that Nosler does about their brass and say thats why it costs more then the other commercial brass available, its true quality is horrible.

They tell you its ready to load out of the box, I am sure not that they say that to try to keep the handloaders from checking out the specs for themselves because they are simply horrible.

This may be an isolated batch of brass but they are BAD, not worth much other then paper weights in my opinion, certainly not good for anything resembling long range hunting precision.

Its pretty sad to be honest, I think alot of handloaders have been taken a time or two by bad brass, I just hope for Noslers sake, this is an isolated occurance but I suspect its not."
I am sure that Nosler would replace the defective brass.
I have 280AI Nosler brass and I haven't noticed any issues with it.
A .007 variation from one side of the neck to the other would be VISIBLY noticable.
That would be almost twice as thick on one side compared to the other.
I would not dispute the fact that Nosler would probly replace the brass.

I think the point is how it passed QC and better yet, Noslers statement of it being "ready to load".

More of the fact that most average or even serious handloaders do not posess the right tool to measure brass for concentricity. They are simply going off Nosler statement which could not be a good thing for some people with a bad batch of brass that is suppose to be of high quality.

To be honest, I haven't bought any Nosler brass because of the price and I have heard more bad reports then good about it. So for the price, winchester will keep getting my money untill Nosler can figure out its brass problems...

Among the reoccuring problems I've read about being concentricity issues, being to soft overall, not lasting as long as other brands (from being to soft), and primer pockets being to hard.

Not trying to give Nosler bad press, just want people and Nosler to be aware of the problem. I'm as much a Nosler fan as anybody and will be the first to recomend there line of awesome bullets, but I dont think I would recomend there brass based on to many bad reports by reputable people...
I have loaded quite a few in .308win and .280Rem and have had zero problems. Like all products though some can get through QC no matter how hard you try.

One of the best things about Nosler is thier customer service, so if I did have problems I know they would fix it.
You all are correct. Nosler did confirm with the customer that they had some problems with that particular lot of brass. They did send him new brass from a different lot. Unfortunately, it had the same problems. Draw your own conclusions.
Rest assured, we're looking into this one. We strive for the highest level of quality in all of our products and if there is an issue--we'll fix it. We have a strong commitment to our customers and therefore provide the best customer service, and products we can.

I see at Midway that there aren't a whole lot of recurring problems though. I would hope that if someone found problem with something, they'd give us a heads up. :? ... mid=598842

As a side note, I have used quite a bit of our 300 Win, 270, 22-250 and 223 brass at home and have yet to have any kind of problems. If there is a problem, I feel pretty confident that it is an isolated batch, or even an isolated few pieces. As a consumer, I've been really happy with the stuff. It's saved me time loading and improved my groups.

Please, if you find something that isn't right, give us a call! We want (and need) to hear from customers--good feedback or bad. :)
I would have to see that brass to believe 0.007" from side to side. I have never seen any brass that bad.Rick.
remingtonman_25_06":1ig1thfw said:
I would not dispute the fact that Nosler would probly replace the brass.

I think the point is how it passed QC and better yet, Noslers statement of it being "ready to load".

More of the fact that most average or even serious handloaders do not posess the right tool to measure brass for concentricity. They are simply going off Nosler statement which could not be a good thing for some people with a bad batch of brass that is suppose to be of high quality.

To be honest, I haven't bought any Nosler brass because of the price and I have heard more bad reports then good about it. So for the price, winchester will keep getting my money untill Nosler can figure out its brass problems...

Among the reoccuring problems I've read about being concentricity issues, being to soft overall, not lasting as long as other brands (from being to soft), and primer pockets being to hard.

Not trying to give Nosler bad press, just want people and Nosler to be aware of the problem. I'm as much a Nosler fan as anybody and will be the first to recomend there line of awesome bullets, but I dont think I would recomend there brass based on to many bad reports by reputable people...

If you kept the brass please pm me and I will give you an address to send it to and I will pay you for the shipping. I want to see the brass and measure it myself. I have just purchased 30-06 brass and it is the most uniform not only in weight but in neck thickness of any factory brass I have purchased and I weigh every piece of brass and measure neck thickness for developing extremely accurate loads which everybody knows I have a reputation of doing so. It is hard to believe your comments but if they are true I would like to see myself. Please do pm me and I will give you my address and pay you for the shipping. Thank You bullet :)
Its not my brass...I just copy/pasted the info and asked his permission to do so.

I'm sure the guy would be more then happy to send it to you though so you can see for yourself.

He even said on the other forum where I copy/pasted it that he woudl be more then happy to send it off to nosler or anyone else who didn't believe him, as he probly knew there would be some non-believers...

He is a well known rifle builder over on and a stand up kinda guy and doesn't lie about things. He speaks the truth and only the truth...
Yes, I went to the post on the LongRange forum and I have been on that forum from time to time but not in the last 8 months and I ask him to send me the brass. I hope he will. :)
I'm not a member over at Longrange. Maybe someone could pass along the number to call and we can get it sorted out for him.

1-800-285-3701 ext 1046. The guy to talk to is Mike.

He is a well known rifle builder over on and a stand up kinda guy and doesn't lie about things. He speaks the truth and only the truth...

No doubt on my end.
Here is the response from the guy who posted the problem on that forum and who said he would send the brass. So I ask him to send them to me and here is his reply.

Its not my brass to send to you. Ask Eric for permission.
Kirby Allen(50)

Allen Precision Shooting
Home of the Allen Magnum, Allen Xpress and Allen Tactical Wildcats and the Painkiller Muzzle brakes.

Farther, Faster and Flatter then ever before.
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He left the impression on his initial post that they were his brass and told folks if they wanted to post his post on another forum they could. Makes me wonder when he responded to me just how honest this whole thing is but I am sure we will get to the bottom of it soon.
I love how this Kirby Allen inspected FOUR pieces of brass that a customer sent him and it is now his opinion that it is NOT an isolated incidence with Nosler.

I wish I had the ability to look at FOUR pieces of a manufacturers product and determine that ALL of their similar products are bad. :roll:
bullet":3vbzoqh7 said:
Here is the response from the guy who posted the problem on that forum and who said he would send the brass. So I ask him to send them to me and here is his reply.

Its not my brass to send to you. Ask Eric for permission.
Kirby Allen(50)

Allen Precision Shooting
Home of the Allen Magnum, Allen Xpress and Allen Tactical Wildcats and the Painkiller Muzzle brakes.

Farther, Faster and Flatter then ever before.
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He left the impression on his initial post that they were his brass and told folks if they wanted to post his post on another forum they could. Makes me wonder when he responded to me just how honest this whole thing is but I am sure we will get to the bottom of it soon.

Bullet, you may want to look at the first 2 paragraphs in his initial post again. He mentions the customer sent THESE PIECES of brass with the rifle. When he had chambering problems he did the measurements.
Kirby accurized my 25-06 Sendero & converted it to AI & did a great job. All of my dealings with him was very straightforward, precise & honest. I
also know that he is a Nosler bullet fan along with Sierra & a custom bullet. In fact he told me that if I wanted to see what the accuracy potential of a .25 is, get some 100gr. BT's. He speaks very favorably
quite often of the Accubonds. So if some think he has a bone to pick with Nosler, I don't. Like bullet said, we shall see, but I will be very surprised if any agenda at all is at play here.
remingtonman_25_06":2tp1bsgd said:
Its not my brass...I just copy/pasted the info and asked his permission to do so.

I'm sure the guy would be more then happy to send it to you though so you can see for yourself.

He even said on the other forum where I copy/pasted it that he woudl be more then happy to send it off to nosler or anyone else who didn't believe him, as he probly knew there would be some non-believers...

He is a well known rifle builder over on and a stand up kinda guy and doesn't lie about things. He speaks the truth and only the truth...

You realy have to be carefull who you talk to and believe on the internet.
I don't know any of you guys personally. I have purchased things from some of you and have sold some things to you guys. Every transaction I had with those guys has been honest and they have earned some respect from me.
I still don't "know" them but wouldn't mind meeting them.

This guy with the bad brass sounds like an ............ (it rhymes with brass) :eek:
Yes, I read it again and you are right. I think he should have toned down his comments and stated them a different way so as not to be miss understood, but his statements were pretty strong. At the moment I don't think we will see that brass but no matter, my 30-06 brass was out standing when I weighed every piece of brass and measured the neck thickness and the base of the brass. Good stuff and I will see how they shoot tomorrow when I go the range to try the brass with four different bullets and the 150gr E-Tip is one of them. Oh, my Mark V 30-06 Custom came in today and it is awesome and beautiful. It turned out better than I thought it would. Will post pictures maybe tomorrow or this weekend of the rifle and targets of the loads I will try tomorrow.
There are a lot of accuracy nuts on

When quite a few well known reputable people have problems with a product, that usually tells you something...

I didn't post this to take anything away from Nosler and neither did Mr. Allen posting it on

No one ever mentioned the problem was taken care of so I simply asked if I could copy/paste the exact post so the Nosler guys and everyone else who was interested could see for themselves of some of the problems people have been having with Nosler brass. When you advertise a product to be premium, and charge a premium price, it better live up to it.

Like I said, not everyone has the tools to measure brass consistency, but when some do and report there findings, and those finding start to add up to not being good, then that kinda seems like a problem, IMO.

The customer of Mr. Allens signed on to LRH and stated Nosler took care of the problem and sent 100 pieces of new brass to him. We all know Noslers customer service is second to none and do eveyrthing they can to help resolve the issue.

The post was not meant to take anythign away from Nosler what so ever. Like was said earlier, Kirby uses Noslers just as much as any other commercially available bullets along with Sierra. I myself shoot close to 80% Nosler bullets as well. So were not trying to take anything away from them.

Its not Kirby brass to give away. Its his customers which I'm sure doesn't really care about them as they are no good in the first place. I doubt he'd have a problem sending them to you.

I totally agree with you. However I've been a member at LRH for about 5 years now along with Mr. Allen and feel like I know him very well. We Pm'ed and e-mailed several times about guns/loads/ ballistics. We have both been daily posters for those 5 years and I can tell you he has A LOT of credibility over there for his rifle building, and overall general knowledge of ballistics and gun building. He is no BS'er, I guaruntee you that much. I probly wouldn't even have bothered to copy/paste it over here if it was someone else complaing about Nosler brass. His customer is not the only one to have bad experiences with Nosler brass. Just that from his measurements, its very unacceptable for premium brass at a premium price is all. And not to mention, a few other very credible people have had the same experience with different calibers, specifically 300 RUM brass not living up to its hype.

He recently posted (same day I believe) about Lapua brass shorting him 1-2 pieces in EVERY box of 15 boxes he purchased. So hes not just picking on Nosler. Lapua screwed him for 21 pieces of .338 Lapua brass, which at $2 a piece, adds up pretty quick...

If you want the brass that badly, you need to talk to kirby's customer that was having the p roblems and his name is Eric. Kirby already stated that it was not his brass and you would have to ask Eric for his permission to have Kirby send it to you. I would think with Eric's permission, Kirby will live up to his word and send it to you or Nosler. It seems the problem with the brass has been taken care of by Nosler.

If you want it that badly, I will PM kirby and Eric both and play the middleman to get you the brass that you so badly want. What is it that you exactly want to see anyways??? Just curious.

BTW, he never left the impression they were his brass. He stated from teh very beginning in the original post it was a CUSTOMERS RIFLE AND BRASS. Hes simply stating that by his measurements, they were not quality pieces of brass as advertised...