Nosler 7 - 257 110 ABs

bob_dobalina":1wdtfmrm said:
Does the nosler 7 manual have a load for the 110 grain accu-bonds for the 25-06 and 257 WBY?

They sure do. Any powder in particular?
Look at those velocities - and think about how well a Nosler bullet works on game and how accurate it is...

No wonder I like the .25's!
Not in that manual but I load rl17 in my 25-06. I forget what the charge is but I went off of alliances site to get a load for 100 gr then dropped it back a smidge for the 110. Great velocity with the 100 averaging almost 3500 at about 3475. Never Chrony the 110

But both the 100 and 110 are with in an inch o each other at 100 yards too