Nosler on big bear

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Borrowed this photo from another web site. It's well-known and highly respected Alaskan guide Phil Shoemaker, with a big brownie he shot with a .30-06 and the 220 grain Nosler Partition. Phil is on record as recommending the good old '06 with the heavy Partition bullets for hunting these big guys. He's done some penetration testing, and the 220's apparently penetrated as well as the 300 gr Partitions from a .375 rifle.


This made me feel pretty darned good about the old .30-06 rifle I've been lugging around off and on for about 40 years. Usually I don't load anything heavier than 200's, but I've shot the 220's as well.

So, maybe if you've got that .30-06 for whitetail, you don't need anything bigger for Alaskan Brownies or moose?

Regards, Guy
The 220 will certainly work on large animals armed with big teeth and claws. I personally like as much gun as I can handle when going after such critters, and I want that rifle to shoot as heavy a bullet as it can accurately handle. Nevertheless, one has to respect Shoemaker's assessment. It is undoubtedly correct.
The higher SD bullets will give you the necessary penetration for sure.
Phil Shoemaker is an expert on the big bears and I would certainly listen to what he has to say!
I still think larger frontal area of a bigger caliber has its merit though.
Besides, it gives us a reason to have the safe full of guns. :lol:

I agree with the high sectional density, I want as much as possible as long as I am not using a monolithic x type.
I wish you guys would make up you're mind. First you're talking up the 35 Whelen and the 338 and got me all worked up in the medium bores, even to the point of going to Gander Mountain to look at some, they have a Hawkeye in 35 Whelen that nearly got brought home. If the Christmas bonus was already in my pocket that rifle would be in my hands right now. Now your're saying the 30-06 is all you need. If I didn't already have two of those I'd really be perplexed. :grin:
Bruce Mc

Listen carefully.

YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 30-06 is a fine round but the 35 Whelen is more of a good thing. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 35 Whelen is a 300 yd thumper for elk, moose, and the big bears. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. Phil Shoemaker speaks very highly of the 35 Whelen for the big brown bears. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 35 Whelen makes for an excellent WT deer cartridge. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. I have taken 17 WT bucks with my 700 Classic 35 Whelen. Most dropped in their tracks, only had to track 2-3 bucks, the blood trails were very short and very heavy. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN.

Let me know if you have any questions. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN.

In the 30-06 for large game I use the 240gr Woodliegh protected point moving out of a 24" barrel at 2525fps. Now that said I will use on anything like a big brown the 240gr bullet and in the 338Win Mag I would use the 250gr or 275gr bullet.

A well constructed long bullet in a give caliber will penetrate as good or better than a middle weight bullet in a larger caliber but will not out penetrate the long bullets for the larger caliber.

There is some truth and merit to bigger is better and that is proven by the very thing Phil did and that was use a bigger longer bullet in the 30-06.
Dang, I'd hope he'd use a big bullet! He hunts Big Bears at close range up there... :grin:

I always enjoy reading his admonitions about shot placement. From reading some of his articles over the years, it's obvious that he likes good rifles and bullets, but really appreciates guiding hunters who can actually shoot!

Given the size and temper of his game, I'd appreciate the company of a cool shot too.
You really need a 35 Whelen. If you already have an 30-06 you will really love the Whelen. With 250's or heavier you get great speed, good SD's and large frontal area. I would have no issues using the Whelen against the big bears. Scotty
JD338":25635s6f said:
Bruce Mc

Listen carefully.

YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 30-06 is a fine round but the 35 Whelen is more of a good thing. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 35 Whelen is a 300 yd thumper for elk, moose, and the big bears. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. Phil Shoemaker speaks very highly of the 35 Whelen for the big brown bears. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. The 35 Whelen makes for an excellent WT deer cartridge. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN. I have taken 17 WT bucks with my 700 Classic 35 Whelen. Most dropped in their tracks, only had to track 2-3 bucks, the blood trails were very short and very heavy. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN.

Let me know if you have any questions. YOU NEED A 35 WHELEN.


And Liberals thought BHO's speeches were mesmerizing, nay!! :eek:
I'm looking for a gun show list now!!
Check out the Ruger Hawkeyes in 35 Whelen. They are solid rifles and look like classic guns with the big blade extractor and 3 position safety. Plus, they come with rings. I wouldn't mind having one to add to my safe. Scotty
My Hawkeye in 35 Whelan is a fine rifle. I have a couple of pretty good loads. The fit and finish on this was not as spectacular as that of the 358 I picked up earlier. However, I`ll keep what I have.
I think your message may have gotten through!!! Good job...Don't think we can call that a subbibinal message :) You have it right on the frontal mass entering and penetrating!! Hunting season can't get here soon enough for me.
Bruce MC now how about if I thow something right into the middle of things? :twisted: How about a 338/06 with a good 225 or 250gr bullet? Almost the the same frontal area of a 35 Whelen yet there's just something special about the 338/06. Good ballistics and a little higher BC on the bullets than the Whelen!! It just hit me you need both the 338/06 and the 35 Whelen!! Bruce you need both the 338/06 and the 35 Whelen............. I feel myself being pulled towards getting a 338/06 for myself just writing this. Just say it now it just rolls off the tongue................... 338/06. We all know and understand that they are both just necked up 30/06 cases, one of the BEST if not the BEST cartridge to EVER come along so they both have to be very special indeed, and yet only one has the 06 on the end of it. The magic continues. We don't see them calling it the 35/06 do we! :grin: