Number 9 Cougar


Oct 11, 2006
I was helping a friend/co-worker move over the weened and his neighbor wanted to show us his cougar he had just gotten back from having it mounted. He was hunting in Colorado and shot it with a 45/70 Marlin Lever gun. He says it is number nine in the book for cougars. I don't know but holy crap is it big. The photo is with me next to it, I'm 6'02" tall and weigh around 230. Thought everyone would enjoy.


That is an awesome cat Corey! Man, the 45-70 would be a blast for hunting with hounds. Never thought of that. Maybe I can give it a try this Winter! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Scotty

That is a big cat and a great looking mount, almost looks alive.
Lucky for you it is only mounted, you would be an appetizer. :lol:

Awesome cat,,,
I never seen one close ( that big anyhow), but rather at distance, and size there is deceiving. That mount makes me wonder if my cat defense choice is enough gun. I wander about in Mt. Lion country, and often watchful of my six. I get really antsy when panning for gold,,,,seems I'm in a very vulnerable position when doing so, and I just don't trust their innate sneaky nature,,,,,,,dang cowards always like attacking from behind !
Man, it would take more than one can of cat food to feed that kitty every morning. Yes indeed, that is a big cougar. Thanks for the picture and sharing.
Nice lion and a neat mount to show it off in a natural setting. I wonder how many four pointers it's taken in it's life time.
They say a cougar will take one deer a week, don't know how true that is but I am sure he took a lot.