O'Connor never had one of these...


May 4, 2011
No offense meant towards old Jack but this Rifle reminds me of a couple I have seen over the years from guys who grew up reading from his pen in Outdoor Life. While I missed out on the articles, I have a couple of his very excellent books.

I am not a huge fan of the thumb-hole but everything else about this rifle, including caliber screams, "Alaska, here I come!"


Karnak tells me there may be a .338 entering my near future...

I think Sir Jack only needed one rifle to the job. I am quite sure that there is a quote about a man that only owns 1 rifle :mrgreen: He did bring the 270win to light:)!
Fifty years ago if there had been as many different powders as there is today I am quite sure that the number of calibers surely would have increase faster then they did back in Jack's hay day.

Very handsome rifle. It would certainly work in Alaska, or about anywhere else.
For sure. I view the 270 a bit light for an All-Around Rifle for North America but then people say that my choice of the perfect All-Around (My Model 70 30-06 of course) is too light too. So unto each his own...

That is a beautiful rifle, almost too nice to take out into the bush.
The 338 RUM is a hammer for sure and will take anything you want in Alaska, or anywhere on the planet.

There no doubt that the 338 RUM packs a wallop. I actually saw a average size whitetail buck get blown about 2 ft sideways after getting hit in the front shoulder.
I believe that they can handle anything in NA :)

I have never used used a thumbhole stock much and only in varmit rifles. However, owning and being fond of a .340 Weatherby makes me reflect about shooting a thumbhole stock with this level of recoil. Particularly given that the comb is pretty straight and does not slope down and away from the face as much as a conventional rollover comb. That is one thing that I appreciate about the Weatherby stock is not getting slapped in the face by the comb design.
That's a Richards microfit probably exibition grade quilted maple dual grip thumbhole. I don't think they did the wood any favors with that finish.

I have one on a .280 rem and one on a very light 8mm mauser that I like to shoot military 196gr ball in... a lot of it... Believe it or not that stock style makes recoil pretty manageable.
Good to know, about managing recoil. I have never owned a Richard's stock and was not sure about the shape for recoil management but I quess you just have to go with other's experience or try one.