One day moose hunt

Hey Lefty I mean Gerry :wink: that is a great story and the photos are right on.
I shot the Mr. Holland & Mr. Holland for 10 years and I am now going back to the 35 :mrgreen:
I just got a email back RMR and they state it is on schedule(not sure what that means)so I should have it for late Elk.
My son from the farm just texted me that they got 24 hours of rain, so I might not be going down there this week end to look for a baldy Elk.
Congrats again Gerry on a great hunt :!:

Those are some great closeup pictures and he looks like a fine young bull. Thanks for sharing the story with us and congratulations on a well executed hunt and shot. I love how consistant the accubonds are. Nice side by side with the cut bullet too.
Beautiful country, classic cartridge, nice bull. Shame it all comes to an end so fast, but sure looks like a delicious cap to a great adventure!

Nice recovered bullet too... only a moose could stop that combo! Congrats!
We had our first moose roast today with my hunting partners their families and my mom (7 adults, 5 kids) it was great. Put it in the slowcooker at 6:30 this morning and it was nice and tender when we got home from church. We are going to get a bunch of sausage made too, can't wait :grin: It will be a really good tasting animal.