One for POP, JD338, Nosler or anyone...


Dec 28, 2007
Hi Guys

Just a followup to my 6mm Remington thread below.

What do you recommend,

The nosler book says that RL19 is the most accurate powder, but at the lowest powder charge whereas RL22 is the most accurate at maximum powder charge. The difference being somewhere around 400fps.

Does that mean the RL22 max load will be more accurate than the RL19 Max load? Just wondering what the interpretation is?

I understand that each rifle and bullet etc will have its own harmonics. Just looking for the optimum starting point.

Kind regards
Every rifle is different. I would definately load them both up and see which your rifle prefers.

Each powder usually has 2 nodes, one at the lower and higher velocity. Some powders just shoot better then others at the higher end. Those are the ones I try to look for. Some calibers/bullets/powder have got a repuation for being accurate, but there is always the exception as no 2 rifles are ever a like.

My experience has been that the Nosler accuracy loads are pretty good.
Having said that and to your point, every gun is different. I would suggest you try both RL19 and RL22 and let your rifle decide which powder to choose. I have had great accuracy with both powders.
If it were me, I would start with RL 22 because of the higher velocity potential. :wink:

My best 6mm load.......

100 grain Partition or 95 grain BT with 48 grain of RL 22.

Average wit hmy Ruger #1 was....

3250 fps and 1.25" at 300 yards...yes 300 yards.
I am excited - I am hoping I can replicate that. Will be an awesome round and load out to quite a long way.

Thanks guys.

I think (nosler correct me if I am wrong) that out of all of the powders tested rl-19 performed the best and in the test resulst of rl-19 the lowest charge listed performed the best.
In other words rl-19 produced the smallest groups and of the powder charges listed the lowest produced the best results overall.
I can`t remember which but, I once talked to either Sierra or Lyman and was told their "accuracy load" was the load that produced the lowest ES in velocity in their lab and theoritically should be most accurate. The powder used may be one that will produce the best results in your rifle but it isn`t likely it will at the same charge level if it does. Sierra, Nosler, and Lyman at one time all list accuracy loads, and if you compare they all found it to be with different powders then the other did, usually.
The manuals all suggest a powder that performed best in their test labs and that is a good place to start but, it isn`t a performance guarrentee.

BTW, if anyone from Nosler can verify how the accuracy loads in their manual are derived can you tell us?[/i][/u]
Me: How do we determine our most accurate loads in the book?
Ballistics Tech: It's the one that shoots bullets the best. :lol:

So basically its the charge-weight that had the smallest groups. For the overall most accurate load in a particular bullet weight, it's the smallest average group yielded by a particular powder charge compared with the others. It's NOT an estimate on which powder should shoot best--it's which one DID shoot best.
Nosler4":20gwrteg said:
Me: How do we determine our most accurate loads in the book?
Ballistics Tech: It's the one that shoots bullets the best. :lol:

So basically its the charge-weight that had the smallest groups. For the overall most accurate load in a particular bullet weight, it's the smallest average group yielded by a particular powder charge compared with the others. It's NOT an estimate on which powder should shoot best--it's which one DID shoot best.

Nosler4 thank you!

Not the same as I heard the last time I asked the question and it`s a bit of a suprise. I sorta believed in the back of my mind I was going to get a similar response to the one I heard from the other guy. It is nice to know the load isn`t theoretical but, actually did produce the best group.
Most accurate load ever from my little 6mm Rem was the 95 grain ballistic tip, and 48 grains of Reloader 22. Good velocity, good accuracy. Never tried Reloader 19 in it though.

Nosler4 wrote:
It's NOT an estimate on which powder should shoot best--it's which one DID shoot best.

It's nice to know that you guys publish actual test results.
My Ruger No.1B in 6mm Rem is a shooter, and it likes MRP (same burning rate as RL22). The barrel is 26".

48.0 gr MRP gives 3,231 fps MV and .714" group with 100 gr Noslers (solid base or Partition).
