only in Cheyenne


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Downtown earlier today


They know that the grass is greener in the city! :lol: Or, was this "Occupy Cheyenne?"
There are lots of strange happenings in Cheyenne... :lol: Great pictures Fotis! I've always lived where the antelope play. Like many, I grew up reading Jack O'Connor. Not sure how accurate the quote is but it went something like this " The 'experts' keep saying that the cheetah is the world's fastest land animal. I'd like to see one up against a thoroughly spooked 2-year old doe antelope going full tilt. I think she'd leave him behind."

Thanks for the pics! elkeater2
Poor "Guy Minner" you are gonna give him the wrong idea..... :) Maybee you could keep one around the yard and fatten it up for Guy.....CL
Thanks for posting that. I just love it, that is so cool and they know they are perfectly safe, look at them, just taking life easy. :mrgreen:
Gotta love them tame Antelope that hang around town. I have caught them looking in my picture windows before. I have a problem with the bucks rubbing their horns on my pine trees. It is real hard to grow a tree in Wyoming. Brian
Nope not all of them. However years ago a big bull elk made it downtown and disrupted traffic on Lincolnway Ave. :mrgreen:


Moose here in Wenatchee, 2010. We get mule deer every winter. Coyotes around the edge of town. Had a cougar in town earlier this year. Bear now and again.

Never a pronghorn though. None around here.

Both photos from the local paper - not mine.
Looks like 2011 is leaving in a hurry from Cheyenne:

December 31, 2011
Wind Speed 19 mph ()
Max Wind Speed 44 mph
Max Gust Speed 60 mph
Visibility 9.4 miles
Events Snow
Happy New Year!! Elkeater2
I can not see my garden from my patio window. Too much wind and snow. The garden is 25 feet from my patio!
FOTIS":3ux75632 said:
I can not see my garden from my patio window. Too much wind and snow. The garden is 25 feet from my patio!

WOW!!! Now that is a serious storm indeed. I guess 2012 is blowing in!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
FOTIS":o624zi17 said:
I can not see my garden from my patio window. Too much wind and snow. The garden is 25 feet from my patio!

Fotis -
isn't this when the joke about one of the states around you "sucking" so bad that creates all the wind? :mrgreen: