Pacific Northwest, Big Bucks!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Sportsman's show in town this weekend. SCI had some trophies from the Pacific Northwest, Oregon & Washington. I think these bucks were all from Washington. They're scoring antlers too, but I don't know if I want to take my elk antlers off the wall or not. Snapped these photos with my cell phone camera:

Whitetail. Yes, that buck is as big as he looks:

Mule Deer. That mulie on the left might be an Oregon buck:

Can't say I've seen many mule deer that looked as big as those guys while I've been hunting. A few that were big, but no shot opportunity.

The whitetails? Never have I seen bucks like those while hunting! Never.

Thought you guys would enjoy.

And for you elk lovers, they had three bulls on display from Washington & Oregon, all of which scored over 400:


Yikes! What a monster!

Definitely some spectacular headgear, Guy. Such a monster might spell the end of hunting for a fellow--it'd spoil him forever after.
Those are what get us outdoors every year.
Impressive beasts for sure.

Guy I thought you were talking big $$$ but these will do!
I have heard that there used to be some big mule deer bucks in the southeastern corner of Washington, on the Oregon border in the Blue mountains. Personally, I hunted Wahington a lot of years back when I lived here before in the 1960's and I never saw a buck that compared to those. Of course my experience doesn't mean anything, but I scouted, deer, elk and bear hunted, plus hiked and fished all over Washington. The biggest horns that I have seen in Washington for mule deer came from the Methow Valley but they were taken on private land. There are supposed to be some big bucks in the North Cascades but I have never seen one at would score over 160 maybe.
Thanks guys. Glad you liked the bucks & bulls. I was sure impressed and pleased to see them.

OT3, a buddy of mine took a mule deer buck on the High Hunt only a few years ago that was pretty massive. Scored over 200 gross, and in the 190's after the SCI deductions. Quite a buck. His story was published in Eastman's.

I've seen a couple in the hills & canyons that I'd estimate in the 180's. They're still out there... Obviously not in big numbers, but they're there. Someday I'll get a real nice big one. Or at least continue to have one heck of a good time, continuing to look for one as long as I'm able.

Another buddy took a real nice whitetail, here in Washington. I don't recall the score, but it was doggone huge. He puts a lot of effort into his whitetail hunting. Archery too.

Regards, Guy
A mule deer in the 180's is certainly big enough. That number (180 B&C) was at one time enough to make the book. I have, despite hunting them for 40 years, never taken a mule deer that large. I have killed one 4-point that weighed about 275 pounds field dressed on a butcher scale but he was only about 23 inches wide and high.

Utah public land was heavily hunted when I lived there for 18 years and getting a 6-point elk was easier than a large mule deer. Hard winters resulted in a heavy kill several years and I was lucky to get any legal buck during those times. I hunted north western Wyoming quite a bit as well especially after the Yellowstone fire. I have never hunted north eastern Washington for whitetail, just northeastern Wyoming and of course back-east and Quebec.
Guy Miner":2ij8dxnt said:
Sportsman's show in town this weekend. SCI had some trophies from the Pacific Northwest, Oregon & Washington. I think these bucks were all from Washington. They're scoring antlers too, but I don't know if I want to take my elk antlers off the wall or not. Snapped these photos with my cell phone camera:

Whitetail. Yes, that buck is as big as he looks:

Mule Deer. That mulie on the left might be an Oregon buck:

Can't say I've seen many mule deer that looked as big as those guys while I've been hunting. A few that were big, but no shot opportunity.

The whitetails? Never have I seen bucks like those while hunting! Never.

Thought you guys would enjoy.


One time over elk hunting I saw a mulie buck that was right at the same size or dam close to it as the one on the right. Watched him for over 15 minutes as he was with some does and did not care in the least I was there. Biggest on the hoof deer I had ever seen. The 15 minutes I spent watching him ended up costing me a shot at one of 2 very nice bulls.
Bill, that is probably the surest way to see big bucks or bulls.. Just don't have a tag in your pocket..

It was like my first Oregon experience, I saw big bulls around every tree, but finding a darned spike was like trying to find a 400 class bull!
SJB358":1dmwd8jl said:
Bill, that is probably the surest way to see big bucks or bulls.. Just don't have a tag in your pocket..

It was like my first Oregon experience, I saw big bulls around every tree, but finding a darned spike was like trying to find a 400 class bull!

Isn't that the truth. Still cool to see them though.
OU812":3pc3bl1e said:
SJB358":3pc3bl1e said:
Bill, that is probably the surest way to see big bucks or bulls.. Just don't have a tag in your pocket..

It was like my first Oregon experience, I saw big bulls around every tree, but finding a darned spike was like trying to find a 400 class bull!

Isn't that the truth. Still cool to see them though.

Heck yeah, that is what is bringing me back to your area. Oregon is really a cool place to hunt.
SJB358":1gt82ye7 said:
OU812":1gt82ye7 said:
SJB358":1gt82ye7 said:
Bill, that is probably the surest way to see big bucks or bulls.. Just don't have a tag in your pocket..

It was like my first Oregon experience, I saw big bulls around every tree, but finding a darned spike was like trying to find a 400 class bull!

Isn't that the truth. Still cool to see them though.

Heck yeah, that is what is bringing me back to your area. Oregon is really a cool place to hunt.

Yes it is. :mrgreen: