pics of bullet collections


Nov 17, 2005
Bullets were fired into wet newspaper at either 50 or 100 yards. Most bullets are out of my 25-06, and 30 cal, 300 WM and 300 RUM. The top row is 257" out of my 25-06. The middle row is a couple bullets from my 270 win and 270 WSM, the other is a .284" 160g part gold out of a 7 STW. The one to the right is a 210g part out of a 338 WM. The bottom row is all .308" bullets from a 300 WM and 300 RUM. The bullets from top to bottom left to right are as follows. 100g part, 110g AB, 115g combined tech btips (2), 100g XLC, 117g SST, 120g corelokt (factory) 120g part (2)
Middle row is 130g btip out of 270 win, 140g SST, 140g btip out of 270 WSM, and 150g btip out of 270 win, the next is a 160g part gold out of a 7 STW, and the right next to it is 210g part out of a 338 WM. Third row is 125g btip, 150g combined tech btip (2), those 3 bullets were shot out of my 300 RUM. Next you have 165g XLC, 180g core lokt (factory) 180g btip, 180g part. Those were all fired out of my 300 Win mag. Next you have the nice 200g AB, and 220g SMK's (3). Those were all fired out of my 300 RUM. The last bottom 2 are 55g FMJ's out of my 220 swift. So there is my collection. And the next time you see a 20 year old shooting at long range and so interested in ballistics and actually knowing what a bullet does when it leaves the barrel, then you'll all know I'm just so full of shit, my green eyes are turning brown. Enjoy!!


Am I to infer that the Sierras Matchking/Gamekings had the shitiest results? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think the AB's, PT's and TSX look the best but since the TSX is sometimes questionable with accuracy and on game expansion, I would go with the AB's or PT's.

I will try to post a picture later of bullets actually recovered from game. I have about 80 of them. They are from chamberings starting at 6mm and ranging up to 338's. About 20 are Partitions and premium bullets, the rest are run-of-the-mill offerings like Speer, Hornady, Solid-base Noslers, Cor-Lokts, Silvertips [old type] KKSP, etc. Over the past 49 years, I have enjoyed the shooting sports, and have hunted every season but 2. I also enjoy the long range matches, and shoot 1000 yards at several shoots held in the area. I have been privileged to live in an region where game is plentiful, and bag limits generous. My family of 5 kids were raised on game meat. Hopefully, I will be able to hunt for many years yet. But sometimes the learning curve has been a bit steep, and the day I stop learning, I will be dead. Of the Partitions I have shot at game, I have recovered about 18-20%, the rest have been passthroughs. The AccuBond is working up to have similar results. I have now shot 4 head of game with them and recovered 1. Have never taken any Barnes X hunting due to mediocre accuracy in most of my rifles. Collecting bullets from game is an interesting venture, and allows one to make a judgment on the integrity of any given bullet. Based on personal experience, the Nosler Partition remains my go-to bullet, with the AB coming on strong, particularly for small groups. Regards, Eagleye.
Thank you for the visual comparisons and the time you spent putting it together. This is something we rarely get to see in magazine comparisons because shooting writers don't want to embarrase their sponsors. You are surely a valuable source of bullet performance. We'll be looking forward to seeing your recovered bullets.
Good Hunting!!
Did you shoot all of these today?!?!? You got some serious time in today setting up wet newspaper for 28 shots out of 8 different guns using 22 different bullets.
Richcale- No these have been shot and saved over about a 3 year period. I have a container that seperates them. I can still remember what bullet is what. Maybe when I get up to about 50 bullets, I'll have to start putting them in there own package with the details. So far, my memory is still alright.

Greg- Thanks. I am infatuated with ballistics. I rarely go a day w/out popping out the reloading books, comparing cartridges and ballistics. Then plugging the numbers into the computer. I am also very interested in what bullets do after they leave the muzzle, hence why I test every bullet I intend to hunt with in wet newspaper. I"m not here to fool anybody or lie, I'm here to share my experiences. Like I said before, how many 17-20 year olds are on this site or longrangehunting?? not very many because they dont care. I care, and take pride in what I do.

Eagleye- Out of about 15 big game animals I have harvested, I have been fortunate enough to recover 1 bullet. It was a 200g SMK at my record black bear. SHot was about 200 yards, did not have time to rangefind him, bullet started at 3200fps, bullet impacted behind front shoulder and did not exit. This led me to dig around and find it. The bullet did devastate the lungs, and broke the offside shoulder, but came to rest in some meat. It went about 3/4 of the way through the big bear, estimated weight was 400# The biggest piece I found weighed something like 40g, but thats for a target bullet, not a hunting bullet. Those big SMK's still kill just fine, they just dont hold up there weight very well, in my experience, they act just like btips or gamekings, they shed there inner cores almost every time, and are more of an expansion bullet vs a penetration bullet. I was going to use that bullet for elk, but with that experience, I did not want to chance hitting an elks shoulder and have him run off, since thats where I like to shoot animals (in the shoulder) I then loaded up 200g AB's and have wacked 3 elk, 512 yards, 404, and 250 yards, all 3 left fist size exit holes. I dont think I"ll ever find one of those big heavy 200g AB's.

JD- Yes the XLC's held there weight as advertised, but like you and me and many others, I just could not get consistent accuracy with them. I could show you all a pic of what a 100g xlc did to a forked horn bucks offside shoulder at 150 yards, but it might be to gory. Left about a pie plate size exit hole, no joke. Got the picture to prove it. The partitions and AB's are pretty similar in my opinion. They both expand down to about 1/3 of the bullet, then keep penetrating losing about 40% of there weight, or usually retaining 60-65% of there original weight. Both bullets are so close, but I feel the AB wins since it is usually more accurate, has a higher BC for longer shots, and will still penetrate just as far as a Partition of equal weight, yet expand better at longer ranges due to the polymer tip.

POP- The sierra matchkings are pretty shitty for weight retention, but you kno what, the big 220g smk has penetrated the farthest in the newspaper out of any bullet I have ever shot into it. Dont know how or why, I guess its due to the huge SD number, but still those 220g smk's shed there weight and lose there inner core just like gamekings and btips. Another bullet I think that is highly over rated is the remington core lokt. I know so many people think there the greatest bullet, but the 2 I shot 120g out of 25-06, and 180g out of 300 WM, they were pretty shitty. They expanded so fast, they looked like a pancake and weighed no more then 40% of there weight. All the btips I"ve ever shot outweighed core lokts for weight retention. And people say btips blow up and do this and do that. I think I've got quite a bit of knowledge with how and what bullets do and act like compared to other bullets. I have them in front of my face for crying out loud. Yes deer and elk are different then paper, but in reality paper is harder then deer or elk, so if a bullet holds up well in paper, chances are its going to do better in the field.
Thanks for all the effort you have in this. It confirms what I thought about the AB's and partitions. Since the AB's seem to be the most accurate in my hunting rifles, this confirms my choice of deer medicine. Thanks again.

remingtonman_25_06":2lls8tpt said:
Richcale- No these have been shot and saved over about a 3 year period.

Gentlemen of the jury, there you have it. He's been shooting into wet newspaper all his life. What a coincedence. If you've been following all of the connected threads you'll see the inconsistencies.

Remboy, you have just made it impossible to believe any description you have offered about the bullets in the photo. I had my doubts anyway when I saw the bullets because several looked like Partitions that you were offering up as everything else but.

It's ok, nothing a tour in the service won't fix. Maybe you can show those boys how to shoot, too!

Good luck,
I'm out!
Blaine thanks, I thought it would help out at least a couple people.

Richcale not sure I get your post. Dont know if its sarcasm or what but I'm not to sure. Why would it be impossible to believe the descriptions? I thought I did an OK job for labeling them and trying to put them in order that would make sense. I'm not lying about any of them, theres only a few partitions up there, 100g/120g, and a 180g. They perform as adverstised. The AB's also performed as advertised as well as the barnes. All the other bullets did not stack up so well. Newspaper seems like a cheap alternative to see what your bullets are doing, have not been doing it all my life, just the last couple years that I have really gotten into exterior and interior ballistics. I'm not trying to be a smartass in this post in any way either. Just trying to make sense of what you wrote to me.
richcale":3p7o4d3q said:
remingtonman_25_06":3p7o4d3q said:
Richcale- No these have been shot and saved over about a 3 year period.

Gentlemen of the jury, there you have it. He's been shooting into wet newspaper all his life. What a coincedence. If you've been following all of the connected threads you'll see the inconsistencies.

Remboy, you have just made it impossible to believe any description you have offered about the bullets in the photo. I had my doubts anyway when I saw the bullets because several looked like Partitions that you were offering up as everything else but.

It's ok, nothing a tour in the service won't fix. Maybe you can show those boys how to shoot, too!

Good luck,
I'm out!

I do not get this post either.
Of course you would. You guys just dont like the fact that a 20 year old kid actually knows his stuff and actually tests out stuff on his own to see what its actually doing. Sorry if you didn't like it, it wasn't meant for you anyways, but I"m sure quite a few people did like it and helped them information wise. Know it all.
No thats ok, I'm at home at This site is good except for a select few. My take is that old guys just dont want to listen or take knowledge from a kid. I dont have any shortmags anyways, so I dont care about that site or shortmags for that matter, there over rated in my opinoin and the gun rags give them good reviews to sell guns, thats it. The only one thats decent is the .270 wsm and it actually beats the old .270 win by quite a bit. All the others portray to be better then the parent cartridge, but when stuffed with big bullets and reloaded, everybody knows that a 7 mag is still better then the wsm, as well as the 300 win mag is still better then the wsm etc. They shoot heavier bullets about 100fps faster. And as far as perceived recoil?? Give me a break, lighter rifles shooting about the same FPS, and less recoil?? Does not make sense, if anythign more recoil is there because the rifle weighs less. once again, there all about marketing and hype, except for the 270 WSM. I owned one in a savage, to bad it would not shoot worth a darn or I would still have the caliber, I loved it, however hated the rifle. You can keep calling me remboy as well, it just shows how ignorant you are. Which is completely fine with me.
Boy some of you guys are assholes.... why do you have to rag on a guy that"s promoting your sport? It's all about sticking together and supporting each other so we can all be tight knit if and when we need to defend our rights!
Save your drama for your wife, it aint welcome here. Lets talk shootin'
rem-2506,i think your doing a great job, proveing things to ones self is the way 2 learn, ive got my own collection also,rember you can leed a horse to water ,i know you get my drift. regards jjmp :grin:

Looking at your PT pics I notice two things:
1) They seem to have lost their front core, but they are pretty much maxed in the mushroom dept. SO, I guess that is acceptable?
2) The AB's look pretty much the same but actually held onto their upper core, at least a trace of it.

I appreciate your efforts here. I do not doubt you. I too pore over ballistics constantly. When I travel I have need of only two books to entertain me, my Bible & my Nosler #5, which both are losing pages they are so used.

I have decided on using the AB's exclusively in my two 7's. I love my Wby & my 280. Give me those or cut off my trigger fingers.

Have you tried any NorthFork bullets yet?
Reloder- The partitions are suppose to lose ther front core, thats what nosler says, thats why there weight retention is only suppose to be about 60-65% which is usually what I find. They are maxed out in the expansion department, once there front half goes, they are expanded down to there Partition but keep driving. The AB's are pretty damn close to the Partition. I woudl say they are just as good. They also retain 60-65% of there weight and penetrate just as far. They are equally good bullets, which ever your rifle shoots best, I would use them. More times then not though, a rifle will shoot plastic tip bullets better. I particularly like AB's for there higher BC, which helps in longer range shots. I am like you, when ever a road trip occurs, the nosler and sierra book go with me and I look at cartridges and compare ballistics. The nosler has been my bible for years and will continue to be. I have not tried northfork bullets, I have heard of them but never tried them. Have you ever heard of Wildcat bullets? They are made in Canada and have very high BC's. They are made specifically for longer range shooting. I tried his 125g in 25-06 and came up with a BC of .520. They are ultra low drag bullets, built kinda like berger VLD's, but with hollow points and hunting in mind. Very accurate bullets. I took my biggest buck ever with that 125g wildcat at 440 yards last year.

Thanks jjmp, I know what you mean. I dont have to many recovered bullets as most mine are passthroughs. I usally get mad when I find exits, but I guess thats a good thing isn't it?? I'm always worried about finding the bullet, but when I dont find the bullet, I guess it did its job right?
rem-2506 , 10-4 buddy........ yes 2 both questions, chet, way to lay it on the line, jjmp