Pipsqueak rifle


Sep 30, 2004
After seeing 223 boldface model seven action on sale for 199 in brownells I have had the yearning for a pipsqueek/Mighty Mouse rifle. That action combined with a PTG dbm bottom metal with a AICS magazine in a lightweight stock would make for a very handy, low recoiling rifle for medium game and predators.

I was thinking blackout or 6.8 spc but happened across the 277 wolverine. It's a 223 necked up and trimmed down similar to the 300 blackout/whisper. When combined with the 90gr nosler bonded solid base bullet it I think it will make for a very handy little hunting round.

Online sources claim 2700+fps out of short barrels for 90 he bullets. That should be just the ticket for fur bearers, tough bullet at modest velocity won't tear up a fox too badly but still plenty of horsepower for wolves and adequate for deer and caribou.

While researching it I came across a set of hornady custom dies and 16" Ar15 barrel at s decent price so I ordered it to try out the round. If it's all it's cracked up to be I'll probably pick up the parts to put together a light walking varminter on one of those discounted model sevens.

I've played around with the 6x45 before with good luck I think this will just be more of a good thing.

Any of you guys play around with one of these? Any experience with it on game?

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Never played with one, but that sure does sound like the ticket for what you are envisioning. Should be most interesting. I will be interested in your experience.
Yup, I have a .223, and I am taking it for a hike in a few min. I am a "very" simple man. Good luck with whatever you come up with. I am, sure the pictures will clarify most of what you said for me. :wink: :wink:
...well, honestly, I think something like the .25X45 Sharps or 6.5 Grendel would serve you better. Looking @ loads for the 6.8 SPC, the bullets used are marginal @ best for your intended use, very low BC's/ SD's. The Grendel may start off slower, but it beats the pants off the 6.8 past a couple hundred yds. I'd trust a good 100gr. .25 cal or 120gr. 6.5mm hunting bullet over the 100-110gr. 'self defense' loads typical of a .270X45/ 6.8. You could probably load a heavier, longer .270 bullet in a bolt rifle, but yer close to the tipping point of diminishing returns where yer powder capacity/ bullet/ MV aren't giving you much of a return...
The main reason I like the 6.8/277 vs the 25x45 is velocity specific bullets. There is nothing in the 25 caliber designed to operate at the lower velocities of the smaller case. A 25 caliber bullet of similar weight would be very long by comparison and eat up available powder space.

SD and BC of any bullet suitable for use in these little cartridges is going to be poor compared to a more conventional rifle cartridge and the operating practical range will be shorter with shots limited to 250-300 yards max.

The reason I didn't consider the Grendel was it is not the same bolt face. The common bolt face of 223 and readily available components ie magazines, brass, and bottom metal for model seven make for an easier conversion.

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I had a neck surgery in 2000. To hunt that year I used two rifles; a Mod 7 with a Mod 700 classic .220 Swift barrel and 55gr Trophy Bonded ammo and a Mod 700 original 223 with a 27", 6x47mm ( 222 magnum necked up to 6mm) and the 85gr XBT. That year, with the 220 Swift, I killed a nice Utah Muley, an Axis doe and two Blackbuck antelope down in Texas. That spring I used the 6x47mm and killed another axis doe, an axis buck and a 400 or so # Scimitar Horned oryx. You are on the right path Pard!
I got the barrel and dies today. It's a neat looking little cartridge. I'm going to form up some brass and work some loads up for it.

L-R 5.56/69gr, 277/90gr, 300BLK/168

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L-R 223, 6x45, 277 wolverine, 300 BLK


Resized 223 brass before and after trimming

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I'm thinking about doing a 6TCU (6x45 Imp) or a 6x204 Ruger for a starter rifle when the kids get big enough. People are getting 2900+fps from 95gr and 3000fps with a 85gr bullets in them which gives pretty good trajectory for such a little round. The TCU is basically a 6PPC with a .223 bolt face.
Got the upper put together today, went with a long slender hand guard.


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Picked up a 1.5-6 Nikon m300BLK scope on sale at cabelas and loaded up some 110gr vmax @ 2497fps. It shot very well but wasn't locking the bolt on an empty mag, I'm pretty a lighter buffer weight will fix that. Pretty fun little rifle with no perceivable recoil.

I think it will work well go my daughter to hunt with next year. I want to try out the 100gr AccuBond and that 90gr bonded flat base.



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That little round would be just about perfect for blacktails. Lots of great light weight 277 bullets available these days to work with. Looks nicely accurate as well.
Gerry, I was thinking of you & Maria hunting Blacktail deer while reading what Thebear_78 was building using the .277.
It would work so slick in my opinion :wink:.
I am looking forward to the results, using that new rifle in a hunting situation (y). I sure hope there will be a great hunting story with photos once the daughter gets her chance.

Tried another load using the nosler 90gr bonded solid base and 5744 @ 2680fps. This one looks pretty promising for a hunting load.


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The load certainly appears to be producing reasonable accuracy. You may have hit upon something. There is sufficient velocity and mass to take caribou at reasonable ranges without beating yourself to pieces. What's not to like?