Plans For The Year


May 26, 2012
Wondering what all we got on the burner this year as hunting season approaches.

I've got a bear and lion tag to fill, deer tag, and a moose hunt. Looks to be a good fall shaping up. What you all got planned?


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Deer in November & January
Hogs in March

Might go after some coyotes between deer & hog hunting.

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Well I think just about everyone knows that I am going to be on a Mountain Moose hunt with a couple of the guys :wink:.
It also looks like I will get at least a few days in with my cousin for Elk & it is coming together for a late regular season Moose hunt along with Whitetail as well. All in all it looks like I am going to be a little busy.
PS. My son advised me today that he want to do a little pheasant hunting as well.
Work,work,work how em I going to be able to handle all this work :mrgreen:!

Well I finished my regular early elk tag on Saturday with a nice cow. My buddy and dad were successful as well. Now I'm trying to get drawn for a 2nd chance extra elk tag or get a landowner extra elk tag. Since my trip to the coast fishing and shrimping got put off until next year I'm thinking a non-resident deer and elk tag might feel the gap. So with some luck I might have a 3 elk year and a deer or two. I also have a antelope tag to fill in November. It's not quite as good as having a moose tag but 3 elk and a big mulie would put a smile on my face.
I serving as a crippled guide for a few people (a neophyte, a flatlander and a seasoned British Columbian) during early moose season. Hopefully, we can find both moose and later find a couple of bull elk. I have some younger men who want to tag moose, elk and deer. Trust I'm strong enough to guide them. Should be a good season if they all tag out.
Cow elk in Wyoming and Spike Bull in Oregon. My doctor cancelled my fall bow hunt, no archery hunting this year.
Idaho has a ton of non-resident elk tags left right now Bill and they are discounted for the month of August to 350.00. The Sawtooth tags are sold out so I'm going to try a new area near where I shot my cow. There are a lot of elk in that area and the success rates are much higher then around here. If your dying to hunt 3 states I might be able to point you in a few directions. Most of the areas open Oct. 15th.
If your dying to hunt 3 states I might be able to point you in a few directions.
I might take you up on that in a year or three. The primary reason I do the bow hunt is because of overlapping seasons. Wyoming, and Idaho generals both open on the same day, and the Oregon draw starts the second week of November. I can bow hunt in Washington starting a few days before thanksgiving. I may draw some hunts in a year or two which will give me so different opportunities. I would dearly love to go back into the Sawtooth's but I am afraid it will never be the same.
OTC Bear hunts for the fall and a December Muzzleloader Mule Deer hunt for myself. Going to take it easy this year :)
You drew a golden tag mate.
December in Arizona. :)
I'm really happy for you. You've already hunted Africa this year so I don't think you're taking it easy. I'll come glass for you if you want after my late November hunt.


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The elk are coming back a bit in the Sawtooth area but there are still plenty of wolves. If we have a bad winter anytime soon I think the herds will be back to their lowest levels again. The Sawtooth A&B tags sold out in 3 hours this year so they aren't easy to get anymore. There are still elk around near the end of the season (Nov. 8th) if Wyoming can't wait. I doubt it will ever be the same as it use to be up there. The F&G would have to kill off the wolves and that's not easy to do in that country.
I have and early season tag and a later season limited draw for a bull moose...

Other than that, my usual caribou hunting with the family and trying to get some new folks on first critters and a mixed bag of upland birds.

Always fun.
November Deer here in NE. That's it. Still working on trying to find a LO in Wyoming that will let me choot a cow elk.

It'll be easier now that I work in WY and will be calling on a few guys that have a population(or so I've heard). I'll try and sell them a tractor while I'm at it!
I'm headed to Wyoming in October with an any elk tag.

Maybe some deer hunting in Virginia late in the year. If I can get out of the office!

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Moose opens for me in one week. That definitely factors into my plans!
Looks like mule deer here in Washington for me. I drew a doe tag, so won't be seeking antlers, just backstraps! (y)

I do have a fellow I'm hoping to take for his first mule deer buck... With luck I'll get him on one. And my son will be on that hunt too I hope.

Elkman is going to educate me about Oregon elk hunting! :grin:

And I'm really hoping to get into the chukar, huns & pheasant this year too!

Guy Miner":1w272i8x said:
Looks like mule deer here in Washington for me. I drew a doe tag, so won't be seeking antlers, just backstraps! (y)

Backstrap tastes better than antlers. :grin: