POP, I'm trying to figure out if it is worth building a severe overbore 6.5mm or possibly a 257 based on a 300 RUM case with a 40 degree shoulder. I would have to use the heaviest 6.5mm bullets possible at the lightest 130 grn accubonds or more likely 140grns. The selection of high B.C. bullets that are heavier than 140 is scarce. I would use a 30 inch pacnor poly rifled barrel, but the poly riflintg shouldn't reduce the pressure enough to mention, although it may help with prolong barrel life a little. SO, if you could run a load for 130 grn AB's out of a 30 inch barrel with a case cap of 114 or 115 grns it would be greatly appreciated. If you would run a couple of 257 bullets with the same capacity for comparison it would be great. I am favoring the 6.5mm because of the weight factor making it more useful for hunting and prolonging the barrel life to hopefully 600 rnds+/-.
Thanks, Jason Toews.
Thanks, Jason Toews.