Posting for Rus 808


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
He will give you the scoop. Nice!



The island of Lanai. Thats Danny, who is my buddy's daughters boyfriend.
He shot this as he called it "small one" last weekend. The buck is hard velvet. Looks pretty big to me.
Congratulations to Danny. It looks as if he did very well indeed. Was the goat taken at the same time?
The second deer with the "old" guy is my long time buddy that lives on Lanai. His buck was shot at 89 yards with a shotgun. The area he hunted in was shotgun only. The horns mesured 34 long and 29 wide. The Muflon was shot the ending part of last year. He shot it with a 30-06 at 425 yards. His 30-06 is a old beat up, dinged up Remington (?), but it shoots straight. I've been reloading for this rifle for 20 years. Sorry for the late story but I had to get the info on the animals from him. The Muflon is what we call MUMU. The horns are or were growing to where it would have eventually grown into his head. The State is culling the bad genetics out of the herds. Cory I WISH I was with him. But I have been with him when he shot some big bucks, and I packed them out also. I was younger and dummer then.
Cool hunt. Congrats to you and your buddy. Kinda neat to hunt exotics in an exotic area! Scotty
Anyone can go hunting there. They have hunting houses and trucks you can rent by the day that comes out to $150.00. You can hunt two types of private hunts. One guided and unguided. We use the unguided and pay a Lanai resident to come with us, its way cheaper. If you are the only one hunting the unguided side that day you have the whole mountain range to yourself. Your limit is three deer plus free Muflon as they are trying to eradicate them from that part of the island. The mountains are smaller then some of the ones I've seen the guys on the forum hunt on.
Just thought I'd share.
Thanks, Russ. That sounds like something that would be a great deal of fun. It may make me want to come to Hawaii, after all.
Be nice to combine a hunt like that with a vacation with the wife. Might be a cool way to combine a nice trip, and still get some hunting in! Thanks for the heads up Russ. Scotty